Watch here as Cox Wenskink, Hoenhorst Farms Ltd, talks about how she uses Semex solutions on her 500-cow dairy. "Our main goal right now is efficiency. We get that through healthier animals, higher production, and targeted voluntary culling." Working with Semex, she's going further, faster.
Learn more about how genomic testing has changed his 165-cow robot dairy. Working with Semex, he's going further, faster.
0200HO12123 Progenesis Monteverdi is the #12 GTPI Sire at +3102 with impressive +1632 PTAM, +112 PTAF, +70 PTAP, +1.49 PTAT, +1.64 UDC and over +2.00 for both RUW and RUH! He's A2A2, RobotReadyâ„¢, Calving Ease at 1.5% SCE and a high fertility Fertility Firstâ„¢ sire.
0200HO11862 Westcoast Lambeau is the #3 TPI sire at +3147 GTPI! This video not only features Lambeau, but also his VG-89/89-MS full sister and several of his daughters! Lambeau sires daughters that meet all expectations. In April he added a significant number of daughters to his proof, proving to be an elite sire production sire at +1462 PTAM, with high components of +125 PTAF, +0.23% Fat, and +1044 NM$, +1117 DWP$. With that much production potential, we are not surprised to see his daughters showing lots of dairy capacity, being open-ribbed and wide-chested. His daughters will last, and if you are looking for reliability, Lambeau is your go-to bull!
On May 29 we celebrated our 50th Anniversary with our global Semex friends and family. We hope you enjoy this video, share it, and tag yourselves and your friends!
A once-in-lifetime experience for members of our global team to come together for training, learnings, and camaraderie.
New video featuring FastStart sire 0777JE001475 JX Progenesis Mastodon and our own Jersey Program Manager, Jonathan Merriam!
FastStart sire 0200JE01492 Lencrest Artemis arrives in April 2024 as the #1 GLPI sire at +2194 and +2500 PRO$. He's an early Tobefamous son from the 18x #1 LPI Cow Lencrest Cocopuff EX-93-2E 2*. He's A2A2 and exceptional at +900 Milk, +93 Fat, +49 Pro with +12 Conf, +8 MS and +8 F&L. #jerseysrock #aprproofs #semex50 #semexgfl #buildyourbestbusiness
In this webinar, the Semex Beef Team, Brad Gilchrist, Dennis Serhienko, and Samantha Kennedy, discuss Semex's Beef bull lineup spotlighting the distinctive traits that various sires have to offer and what key factors to consider when making breeding decisions to achieve your goals. Sit back and let us discuss how the Semex Beef sires you choose this breeding season will positively impact your operation for years to come!
HEATH IS HERE! He's 0744HO00201 Duckett Heath, a Tatoo x ‘The Doc’ (S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784 EX-96) x VG-87 Jedi x VG Massey x VG-88 DOM Cookiecutter MOM Halo x 5 more gens VG/EX to EX-95-2E GMD DOM 5* Dellia! Learn the story of Doc and her son Heath, only available at Semex in this great video from Showbox Sires!
0200HO12376 MB-Luckylady Bullseye is impressive at +16 CONF/+3.16 PTAT. His dam is the EX-94 Ladyrose Caught Your Eye x VG-89 x EX-95-2E 3* x the famous Blackrose Family! His daughters are favorites in heifer pens and there's a wave of Bullseye sons coming to Semex in 2024!
Semex's December release 200HO12666 Ladys-Manor Smoke Owen is the #1 Holysmokes and #5 sire overall in the breed! He's from a VG-85 Granite x Millington x EX-93-2E DOM Ladys-Manor Dorcy Oda (dam of Octoberfest, Doorsopen & Olympian) x EX-91 Auden x EX-91-2E Outside x EX Rudolph x 6 gens of VG/EX!
Check out this new video of 0200HO11000 Westcoast Alcove daughter, Desross Alcove Start VG-85-2YR-CAN, from Ferme Descross Inc, Sante-Flavie, Quebec. Alcove is at the top of the LPI listing at +3642 GLPI, +2240 Milk, +136 Fat, +91 Pro with solid, functional +8 Conf and great health traits.
Check out this video giving an inside look at our corporate headquarters in Guelph, Ontario!
Brand new video featuring two 0200HO11196 Progenesis Popstar daughters! Popstar is a high fertility, Calving Ease and RobotReadyâ„¢ sire!
Check out this new video featuring 0200HO11186 Pine-Tree-I Pursuit daughter and his high-profile son 0200HO11862 Westcoast Lambeau (Pursuit x Doc x Jedi at +3003 GTPI, +933 NM$, +105 Fat, +2.37 PTAT)
Check out these daughters by #7 TPI Sire 0200HO11586 Silverridge V Einstein in Quebec!
Semex's Elevate® program gives you fast, easy access to vital female genomic information that increases genetic gain, corrects parentage errors, manages inbreeding and helps you make confident mating decisions and valuable genetic progress.
Semex is Genetics for Life. We're driven by what you need now and in the ever shifting future!
Just like farmers everywhere, our success depends on the well-being of our animals. As herd owners, our duty to our animals' welfare requires that, at all times, our animals are treated humanely, and handled with patience, dignity and respect. We believe that the health and welfare of our animals is every employee's shared responsibility. We are Citizens of the Earth.
Our success depends on a healthy agricultural system. As scientists, we believe safe, nutritious and affordable food should be produced with less impact on our world's resources, animals or people. We are committed to using scientific research and resources to help produce food that both meets consumer demand and is environmentally responsible. We are Citizens of the Earth.
Sustainable, responsible agriculture is necessary to a sound future. Operating honorably in our own backyard is integral to the health of our living, breathing world. Our approach and practices with our internal workforce, external partners and local community begins with individual respect, balanced and mindful investment, and equitable business practices. We are Citizens of the Earth.