Company News

Semex Announces Immunity+ Now 30% Heritability

As the only company offering immune genetics for greater disease resistance, Semex is excited to announce that dairymen everywhere can feel even more confident in Immunity+™ as recent studies show heritability to be 30%. “This is huge,” says Paul Krueger, Immunity+ Global Brand Manager and Director, Sales and Business Development, United States. “Our clients worldwide have been looking for a simple, genetic answer to herd health and Immunity+ is it! It’s got 20 years of research behind it, over 100 published papers and is proven to reduce disease incidence by at least 4-8%. With heritability estimated at 30% it’s one of the easiest decisions you can make to improve the health of your entire herd.” The original immune response research, based on a population of females tested for immune response, estimated heritabilities of 29% for Antibody-Mediated Immune Response (AMIR), 19% for Cell-Mediated Immune Response (CMIR) and 25% for overall Immune Response. Over the past 12 months, there have been two separate genome association studies conducted where as part of each study, the heritabilities for AMIR and CMIR were reestimated. The first study published one year ago was based on a moderate population size including only males tested for immune response, and the latest study just completed was based on a much larger group of both males and females. The two studies showed very similar heritabilities of 46% and 44% for AMIR, and both had a matching heritability of 22% for CMIR. The three research studies were combined to calculate the new 30% heritability figure for overall immune response. For more information on Semex, Immunity+ or any of Semex’s products and services visit

Semex's Genomax® Program Most Sought After Worldwide

Many past Genomax stars have gone on to be among the world’s most sought after proven sires. This includes 0200HO07450 Amighetti Numero Uno, now ranking #12 on Holstein USA's Top 100 TPI International list at +2407 GTPI. And, in Canada, Numero Uno gained over 250 LPI points since April, ranking him #2 for LPI and #4 for the brand new Pro$. Graduating from the Genomax program in August is the highly-anticipated 0200HO02770 Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet x Shottle) who is the best option in the Top 100 TPI International list for dairymen looking for milk and type at +1865 PTAM and +2.87 PTAT, and he ranks as #25 overall at +2333 GTPI! He's A2A2™, Calving Ease™, Repromax™ and a Show Time™ sire that is extremely popular worldwide. ‪ Thirty-nine new Holstein bulls by 22 different sires joined the Genomax lineup in August. Twenty-five of these new bulls are over +2450 GTPI, 25 over $600 NM$ and 12 over +2500 GTPI. Topping this list are: 0200HO10376 De-Su Galapagos, the breed’s #1 GTPI Deductive son from a VG-85 Mogul x Superstition then EX-92 DOM 2* Goldwyn ATM and multiple generations of VG dams. Galapagos is +2599 GTPI, $730 NM$, +2.07 PTAT, +2.15 UDC, +6.8 PL, +3.6 DPR, 2.70 SCS and he is an Immunity+, A2A2, HealthSmart and Robot Ready sire. 0200HO10446 De-Su Conspire is the breed’s #1 GTPI Crabtree son from a Mogul out of VG-85 Watson who is also the dam of Balisto, Davinci and Itunes. Next dam is VG-86 DOM 1* Pine-Tree Missy Miranda, EX-92-3E GMD DOM Rudy Missy and many more VG dams. Conspire is +2571 GTPI, $739 NM$, +7.9 PL, 2.64 SCS, +3.8 DPR, 5.7% CE and is Immunity+, A2A2 and HealthSmart 0200HO10296 Progenesis Doc is an early Flame son from a Supersire out of Die-Hard from the same family as 0200HO10446 De-Su Conspire. Doc is +2569 GTPI, $748 NM$, +0.23% Fat, 90 lbs Fat, +6.1 PL, 2.60 SCS, +2.22 PTAT and a HealthSmart sire. Other leading sires in the Genomax lineup include: #1 PTAT sire 0200HO10036 OH-River-SYC Byway (Meridian ... Read More...

Immunity+®: A Herd Health Solution Like No Other

Dairy producers worldwide are raving about the benefits of Semex’s exclusive Immunity+™ sires. As ‘real farm’ performance data accumulates, more clients, veterinarians and processors are excited to improve their own herds’ health naturally. Based on the HIR (High Immune Response) technology developed by Dr. Bonnie Mallard and her colleagues at the University of Guelph, the research surrounding this technology spans decades. It shows that HIR cows have 19-30% lower disease incidence compared to herd averages. These cows also respond better to commercial vaccines and produce higher quality colostrum. As a result, they are more profitable by bringing in more revenue, lowering costs and wasting less of the dairyman's time. And, most importantly, Immunity+ works. “It really ensures your herd is healthy, that your herd is looked after and it increases your return on investment,” says Paul Krueger, Semex Immunity+ Global Brand Manager. “For the first time ever we can identify the genetic link to immunity… How the animal responds to disease. No other product or solution available has this, or is 25% heritable with immediate effects… This starts at birth, there’s no wait.” In August 2015 Semex has: 12 Genomax Immunity+ bulls over +2500 GTPI 45 Genomax Immunity+ bulls over +2400 GTPI Two new Holstein proven and 10 new Genomax™ sires with Genomax sires averaging over +2500 GTPI One new Jersey Immunity+ sire: 0200JE01026 Faria Brothers Luda For more information on Semex, Genetics for Life, Immunity+, Genomax sires or any of Semex’s brands visit: 

Easily Access Semex's A2A2 Sires

Dairymen and markets wanting to increase the A2 allele prevalence in their herds can now easily access Semex’s A2A2 sires by clicking the A2A2 link under 'dairy' at  This list of both high reliability and Genomax™ Holsteins, Jerseys and Ayrshires includes a diverse lineup of 75 proven and 90 Genomax Holstein sires, 16 proven and 35 Genomax Jersey sires and eight proven and four Genomax Ayrshire sires.  This group includes 0200HO02698 Misty Springs Supersonic, 0200HO06320, Cangen Pinkman and new releases 0200HO02770 Sully Hart Meridian and 0200HO02783 Danhof Detroit as well as 17 Genomax Holstein sires over +2500 GTPI.    Check them out today! 

AI Industry Marks Passing Of Prominent Leader

It is with profound sadness that Semex and EastGen announce the passing of a prominent figure in the legacy of our companies. Wilbur Shantz passed away peacefully on the morning of July 19, 2015, at the age of 87.  Born on a farm in Pinehill, Wilmot Township, Wilbur began his career in 1952 as a technician inseminator with the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. In 1963 he was named General Manager of that organization. In 1968 (after an amalgamation of the Lambton, Waterloo and Central Cattle Breeding associations), Wilbur was chosen for the role of Operations Manager of United Breeders Inc. (UBI), Guelph, Ontario. Recognized for his great leadership skills and business sense, he was appointed General Manager of UBI in 1985, a role he continued to fulfill until his retirement in 1992. Well-respected within the A.I. industry, Wilbur served on several boards of directors and was past president of the Ontario Association of Animal Breeders (1965 & 1966), Canadian Association of Animal Breeders (1990), and Semex Canada (1992) prior to the forming of The Semex Alliance. Wilbur also assumed the role of Interim General Manager of Semex Canada from 1995-1996. During his distinguished career, Wilbur worked with industry colleagues to develop sophisticated young sire proving programs, and led the industry to build large semen inventories from young sires awaiting proof. The increased availability of top sires enabled Canadian breeders to establish the country as a world leader in genetic material and generated millions of dollars in live cattle and semen exports. He also initiated training courses for Ontario farmers and helped initiate reward incentive programs for herds utilizing breed improvement tools. “Wilbur Shantz will be forever recognized as a leader who was instrumental in building a strong foundation for the Canadian bovine genetics industry that today is recognized as a world leader,” said EastGen General Manager Brian ... Read More...


Semex is pleased to release one of the world’s top available Enforcer sons, 0200HO10258 Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship, a Genomax™, HealthSmart™ and Robot Ready™ sire.

Penmanship ranks as Enforcer’s #2 GTPI son at +2572 and his #1 NM$ son at 728$! Backed by nine generations of VG or EX dams, Penmanship’s dam is a VG-85 Numero Uno, from Pine-Tree Monica Planeta VG-86, with over 30,000 at 2-1 and five VG daughters to date. Penmanship’s third dam is Pine-Tree Monica Sueal DOM and then Missy Monica VG-85 GMD DOM and Rudy Missy EX-92-3E GMD DOM.

Used as a sire of sons, Penmanship offers excellent 6.0 PL, low 2.75 SCS a 3.7 DPR, +0.09% Pro, 6.0% SCE and solid, breed-pleasing type suited for dairymen everywhere.

The demand for Semex’s Genomax™ genomic young sires has never been higher. We’re working diligently to meet this demand, testing over 6000 young sires in 2014 alone, with only one in seven making the cut and being designated Genomax. 

Ask your Semex representative today about adding Penmanship or any of Semex’s leading genomic young sires in the Genomax lineup today! For additional information on Semex, Genetics for Life, Genomax, HealthSmart, Robot Ready or any of Semex’s products or services visit



Semex is pleased to announce that Lowell Lindsay has been named a National Dairy Shrine Pioneer for 2015.

Each year the National Dairy Shrine honors three or four ‘pioneers’ of the dairy industry. An anonymous selection committee selects these pioneers based on their professional affiliations and activities, civic and community involvement and outstanding contribution to the dairy industry.

“It is a great pleasure and honour to support the nomination of Lowell for the National Dairy Shrine Pioneer Award on behalf of Semex,” says Paul Larmer, Semex Chief Executive Officer. “When I think of Lowell’s career, it is a reflection of this man’s love and passion for our industry, including his career, cows and also his various and significant accomplishments. And, while his career has been highlighted by the sires acquired, the daughters of these bulls will continue to influence our industry well into the future, as will the thousands of keen breeders, showmen, fitters and dairy youth worldwide that have been fortunate enough to learn from one of our industry’s true artists.”

The annual National Dairy Shrine Awards Banquet will be held on Thursday, October 1 in Madison, Wisconsin. For more information about the banquet or about students, producers or industry representatives being recognized by National Dairy Shrine, please contact Dr. David Selner, Executive Director, at

Semex's Immunity+ Continues Meeting & Exceeding Expectations

In 2013, decades of research and hard work in collaboration with the world-reknown University of Guelph in Canada resulted in the launch of Semex’s Immunity+ sires worldwide.

“Some cows and cow families just do not get sick,” says Semex CEO Paul Larmer. “They go virtually unnoticed in the herd, doing their job day in and day out. Worldwide, dairymen are requesting these sires because they know, just like we know, that it makes sense. And, lowering drug costs and increasing productivity through healthier calves and cows is a goal of all producers everywhere. In 2013, Dairy Herd Management recognized Immunity+ as an Innovative Product of the Year at World Dairy Expo. This was a very definite endorsement from the dairy industry that this technology is truly unique, valuable and a game changer.”

High immune response technology has shown the potential to be one of the more significant innovations in the genetics industry. Producers worldwide are recognizing the value of using Immunity+ sires in their own strategy to improve their herd and animal health.

Joining the proven Immunity+ lineup following the April 2015 genetic evaluation are:
•0200HO03772            BRU-DALE SNOWDEN : DESTRY*RC x SHOTTLE
•0200HO06320            CANGEN PINKMAN : SUPER x BAXTER
•0200HO06362            GEN-I-BEQ BACCHUS : SUPER x ...

Semex Genomax & Repromax Deliver Performance In April Proofs

Genomic testing over 6000 young sires worldwide, gives Semex’s industry-leading Genomax™ program a decisive edge. Consistently delivering the world’s leading genomic young sires, Semex is proud to debut 0200HO02770 Sully Hart Meridian on the international stage with the April 2015 proof round. With daughter data accumulating, this Repromax™, Calving Ease™ and Show Time™ sire is among the most sought-after sires anywhere.

He joins an elite list, including 0200HO06480 Val-Bisson Doorman and the program’s most famous graduates to date, Facebook and Numero Uno. Both of these bulls continue to reside in the top rankings worldwide, along with 0200HO02698 Misty Springs Supersonic, Millionaire Sire 0200HO00402 Mainstream Manifold and now also 0200HO06267 Gen-I-Beq Lavaman, the #1 PLI sire in the UK.

Semex HealthSmart Lineup With Feed Efficiency More Valuable Than Ever

Semex launched the HealthSmart™ lineup as a way for Semex clients worldwide to quickly identify bulls that would sire the most valuable and profitable cows on the dairy. In December 2014, Feed Efficiency was included, emphasizing moderate-sized cattle that are healthy and efficient. The profitable kind of cows demanded worldwide, they have more efficient production, have lower maintenance costs, lower health costs, better fertility and lead longer, more productive lives. The HealthSmart lineup includes these popular sires: •0200HO00402       MAINSTREAM MANIFOLD •0200HO03753       MARBRI FACEBOOK •0200HO02698       MISTY SPRINGS SUPERSONIC •0200HO02753       BROOKVIEW MASTERPIECE * : DORCY x BOLIVER •0200HO06320       CANGEN PINKMAN * : SUPER x BAXTER •0200HO06343       OLSZEWSKI SMORE *: FREDDIE x SHOTTLE •0200HO02714       SPRINGWAY CELEBRATE * : MAN-O-MAN x BOLIVER The following Genomax™ bulls are also designated HealthSmart: •0200HO07846    RH SUPERMAN  : SUPERSIRE x MAN-O-MAN •0200HO09136    LEADERWIN MUSCADET : MOGUL x JEEVES •0200HO10240    COOKIECUTTER HEBDO : JABIR x SUPERSONIC •0200HO10181    DE-SU JIMJAM : JABIR x SHAMROCK •0200HO10179    DE-SU SUMMIT : JABIR x PLANET •0200HO10185    EVER-GREEN-VIEW EDIFY : DOORMAN x IOTA •0200HO06676    LADYS-MANOR OCTOBERFEST : OAK x DORCY •0200HO10130    SANDY-VALLEY CAREER : JACKMAN x SUPER For more information on Semex, Genetics for Life and the complete lineup of HealthSmart and Genomax sires visit  