Company News

Immunity+™: A Herd Health Solution Like No Other



Dairy producers worldwide are raving about the benefits of Semex's exclusive Immunity+™ sires. As 'real farm' performance data accumulates, more clients, veterinarians and processors are excited to improve their own herds' health naturally.

Based on the HIR (High Immune Response) technology developed by Dr. Bonnie Mallard and her colleagues at the University of Guelph, the research surrounding this technology spans decades. It shows that HIR cows have 19-30% lower disease incidence compared to herd averages. These cows also respond better to commercial vaccines and produce higher quality colostrum. As a result, they are more profitable by bringing in more revenue, lowering costs and wasting less of the dairyman's time. And, most importantly, Immunity+ works.

"It really ensures your herd is healthy, that your herd is looked after and it increases your return on investment," says Paul Krueger, Semex Immunity+ Global Brand Manager. "For the first time ever we can identify the genetic link to immunity... How the animal responds to disease. No other product or solution available has this, or is 25% heritable with immediate effects... This starts at birth, there's no wait."

In August 2015 Semex has:

  • 12 Genomax Immunity+ bulls over +2500 GTPI

  • 45 Genomax Immunity+ bulls over +2400 GTPI

  • Two new Holstein proven and 10 new Genomax™ sires with Genomax sires averaging over +2500 GTPI

  • One new Jersey Immunity+ sire:

    • 0200JE01026 Faria Brothers Luda

For more information on Semex, Genetics for Life, Immunity+, Genomax sires or any of Semex's brands visit: