Company News

April 2015 Proof Highlights

Semex’s corporate mission is to ‘Create value by developing and delivering innovative genetic solutions.’ We do not take this for granted and each genetic evaluation gives us the opportunity to reaffirm this commitment to our clients, whether they’re seeking GLPI, GTPI, GPLI, Type, Net Merit $, Calving Ease, Immunity+ or any of the other traits that drive profitability at the farm gate.

Holstein Highlights:

•Top 5 genomic young bulls for UK Type Merit

•Top 4 genomic young bulls for PLI

•0200HO06267 Gen-I-Beq Lavaman #1 PLI & #1 Increasing LPI sire

•Five of the top 20 new LPI sires

•0200HO06320 Cangen Pinkman (Super x Baxter)  #1 Superstition son in Canada & #10 GLPI at +2951

•Four of the top 20 GTPI sires

•11 new proven Immunity+™ sires average +2599 GLPI/+2028 GTPI

•9 new Genomax™ Immunity+™ sires average +3110 LPI/+2479 GTPI

Jersey Highlights:

•0200JE00075 Sunset Canyon Monopoly (Tbone x Lemvig) ◦Semex’s #1 new release Genomax™ graduate

◦#2 GLPI sire overall

•0200JE00470 Comestar JDF Beautifull ◦#7 GLPI sire overall

◦Only double digit Conf bull in the top 30 at +11 with +10 Mammary and +13 Feet & Legs

•0200JE09830 Sunset Canyon Determinate     ◦#9 GJPI sire at 184

•0200JE00183 Sunset Canyon David   ◦#10 GJPI sire at 183

Ayrshire Highlights:

•0200AY00713 Chaluka Virgile #2 GLPI sire ◦Gains 220 LPI points and moves to #2 position

•0200AY01003 Forever Schoon Perfecter (Rockstar x Calimero) ◦High rated Rockstar son x famous Forever Schoon Perfecta EX 2E-96

•0200AY01001 Des Coteaux Revolution (Orraryd x Poker) ◦The #1 GPA LPI bull of the Ayrshire breed from the same maternal line that produced Rockstar, Decaf, Volvo and Mandarin

•0200AY01000 D’Albanel Craftman (Volvo x Marlow) ◦Top GPA LPI Immunity+™ Volvo son x deep pedigree with high production and Conformation

To view daughter video footage of many of Semex’s sires visit our Youtube channel at  Additional information on these bulls including complete LPI and TPI data is available at