Famous Goldwyn Brothers Offer Rare & Exceptional Opportunity

Hailing from an exceptional Durham dam, Gillette-I Durham Jericho EX-CAN 10*, with records to over 22,000 kg/48,000 lbs in 305 days and nearly 90,000 kgs/200,000 lbs lifetime, plus three more VG or EX dams, dictated success for Jordan and Jerrick.
“Jericho went VG-87 in her second lactation, but was bred right back to carry. So when she calved for the third time she really bloomed to her full potential,” says Julien Chabot, Semex Sire Analyst and buyer of Jerrick and Jordan.
“She had a Freelance heifer that now is EX-93. Jericho went VG-89 early in lactation, and a few months later moved up to EX. Her first flush was to Canyon-Breeze Allen, which produced an EX-91 daughter. The second flush was to Goldwyn just after he was made available. It produced Jerrick, Jordan and a heifer, Jenny. She is VG as a first calver and has one of the highest LPI direct genomic values in the Gillette herd.”
Being split embryo brothers makes Jordan and Jerrick 100% identical in their DNA, offering a rare and exceptional opportunity. However, in their initial proof we will see small differences in their breakdowns due to maternal influence of the daughters as well as environmental impact. The biggest difference at this point, is in their daughter numbers.
As the breed’s newest #1 LPI sire, Designer Series™ sire 0200HO05575 Gillette Jordan arrives after months of speculation and anticipation without disappointment. “These cows are easy to find,” says Carl Saucier, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “ Just look for the best feet & legs and udders in the barns! They’re sweet cows, beautiful, feminine and have great rear udders with lots of crease and veination.”
Proof positive, Jordan’s LPI of +2740, +15 Conf, +14 MS, +13 FL with +110 Herd Life, +107 Calving Ability, +107 D Calving Ability and low 2.49 SCS with positive deviations certainly agrees with these comments of being an all-around sire. On the US scale, he does not disappoint at +2.53 PTAT, +2.03 UDC, backed by +2.96 FU Attach, ... En savoir plus...

Solid Type, Functional Traits & By Goldwyn!

Dairymen looking for a Goldwyn son with solid type and functional health traits need look no further than 0200HO03516 Ginary Jack.
From a VG-87 5* Allen dam then a VG-86 14* Rudolph with 2 Super 3’s and 4 Superior Lactations, and three more VG dams. Jack brings tremendous +112 Herd Life, +110 Milking Speed, +110 Calving Ability and +105 D Calving Ability and low 2.58 SCS, making him an ideal fit for commercial dairymen.
Dairymen can confidently use this Health$mart™ sire with an extremely pleasing +11 Conf, +11 MS, +9 F&L. In the US, this translates to +2.32 PTAT, +1.98 UDC, +1.16 FLC with a low 6% for Calving Ease, 2.68 SCS and 2.30 PL.
“These are cows that have nice udders with tremendous texture,” says Chris Studer, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “Their rear udders are both high and wide, and they walk on very functional feet and legs, making them virtually trouble free.”

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Balanced Breeding, Calving Ease Goldwyn Son Joins Semex

Dairymen seeking tremendous udder texture, wide rear udders and cows walking on great feet look no further than this Goldwyn son. 0200HO05562 Delaberge Lureck offers dairyness in each mating.
Also by a Durham dam, Lureck’s dam is VG-87 11*, has 2 Superior Lactation Awards and has seven VG and one EX daughter, averaging over 14,900 kgs of 3.8F and 3.3P. Next dam is the famous Bryhill Rudolph Lulu VG-87 21* and then Bryhill Lindy Lilly VG-85 13*. Lureck himself transmits pleasing +1129 kg M and positive deviations of 0.13%F and 0.16%P.
Debuting at #10 LPI, Lureck sires functional dairy cows with tremendous udder texture and width. His pleasing +11 Conf, +13 MS, positive deviations and outstanding functional traits including +107 Calving Ability, 2.72 SCS and +106 Herd Life make him an easy Health$mart™ sire. His additional status as a high fertility Repromax™ sire will make him a popular mating around the world.
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#2 Conf Sire By Goldwyn Joins Semex Lineup

Breeders were anxious to see where 0200HO05592 Crackholm Fever would rank, and he did not disappoint at #24 LPI with an impressive +19 Conf, making him the #2 Conf sire in the breed and a Semex Designer Series™ bull!
This Goldwyn son is from an EX-92 5* Blitz daughter. Next dam is VG-86 4* then VG-86 13* and five more VG or EX dams from the same family that gave us one of the industry’s icons, Startmore Rudolph.
With 106 daughters in his type proof, he is an extremely reliable choice for dairymen. His US conversion was favourable at +2.59 PTAT, making him the #11 PTAT Goldwyn. With a lot more to offer, he's also a Health$mart™ sire, with high Herd Life at +109, D Calving Ability +109, and low 2.75 SCS scores with all other conf. traits being way above breed average. In the US, he’s just as attractive with a 2.83 SCS, positive fat deviation and exceptional +3.38 Stature, +3.21 RU Height, +2.93 RU Width and +2.48 U Cleft. Additionally, he's a high fertility Repromax™ sire.
“Fever has the highest GP% and better ever in our area!” says Carl Saucier, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “They’re tall, easy to find daughters showing lots of width with tremendous udder texture and fore udders. He’ll mate well on anything that’s black & white!”
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High PTAT Goldwyn From Famous Juror Faith Family At Semex

0200HO05606 Ralma Confirm hails from an extremely famous family. His Durham dam is the Christmas Fudge who produced numerous high-ranking progeny. Bull dam Christmas Fudge is VG-88 GMD DOM, next dam is the famous Ralma Juror Faith EX-91 GMD DOM who had over 23 VG 2 year old daughters.
From a cow family that continues to generate dollars, this Designer Series™ Goldwyn son debuts with tremendous type, at +3.25 PTAT, +2.27 UDC and +2.60 FLC. These figures make him the #4 PTAT Goldwyn son and the #5 PTAT sire in the breed!
Positive deviations of +0.07%F, +.05%P, the breed’s eighth lowest SCS ranking at 2.46 SCS and great udders place Confirm in similar light as his sire, Goldwyn. In Canada, the figures are equally as impressive at +113 Herd Life, +102 Dtr Fertility, +104 Milking Speed, +105 Calving Ability, +107 D Calving Ability with Semex’s lowest SCS ratings at 2.33.
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Canada's #3 Conf Sire by Mr Sam At Semex

Proof positive of Semex’s growing diversity is the arrival of its second Mr Sam son, offering something different to bloodlines everywhere.
One of these, is the #1 PTAT Mr Sam and #3 Conformation sire, 0200HO02137 Pine-Tree Sid. From a VG-88 DOM Finley dam, this Designer Series™, Health$mart™ sire offers dramatic improvement over dams and is a transmitter of strength and tremendous mammary systems. These claims are evident in his August showing, at +18 Conf, +17 Mammary System and +15 Dairy Strength with 2.93 SCS, +108 Herd Life, +102 Calving Ability and +110 Dtr Calving Ability on LPI. On the USA TPI rankings he’s an impressive +3.02 PTAT, +2.61 UDC, +2.02 FLC with a low 2.90 SCS and tremendous mammary systems at +3.93 FU Attach, +2.82 RU Height, +2.76 RU Width and +2.94 U Cleft. Additionally, he’s a high fertilty Repromax™ sire.
“These are the biggest, most powerful heifers in barns,” says CIAQ Progeny Analyst Carl Saucier. “They show that Sid is a strength bull, with power, capacity, width and show style. Transmitting great spring of rib, high and wide rear udders he’s an ideal mating for your Goldwyn, Bolton, Shottle, Toystory, Lou, Ashlar, Baxter and Lheros daughters.”
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High PTAT Goldwyn From Comestar At Semex

Hailing from a prefix that precedes him, 0200HO05588 Comestar Lauthority is the highest new release and #2 PTAT sire at +3.61!
A Goldwyn from a VG-89 6* Igniter dam with 2 Superior Lactation Awards and then a VG-85 2* Emerson with 1 Superior Lactation Award back to the Comestar Lausan Black VG-87 23* and then the infamous 23* Comestar Laurie Sheik!
This Designer Series™ sire provides exceptional stature at +3.42, silky mammary systems at +2.48 UDC, backed by +3.06 FU Attach, +3.60 RU Height, +3.46 RU Width and +3.83 U Cleft. Lauthority also ranks as the #8 LPI sire at +17 Conf (#5 Conf Sire), +15 MS and +12 F&L. He also scores an exceptional +109 D Calving Ability, +107 Herd Life and 2.79 SCS, contributing to his Health$mart™ sire status.
Proven in the Westgen area, Carl Barclay, Westgen Progeny Analyst comments, “Dairymen really like these cows. They’re full of dairy strength with a great open, deep rib. They’ve got a great foot angle and heel depth, walking well throughout the stalls.”
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High Deviation Health$mart™ Goldwyn Son Joins Semex Lineup

#11 LPI, 0200HO05584 Fleury Mathys debuts as a sire known to sire tall, strong cows with extremely high fat and protein deviations at +.35%F, +.22%P. His good udders and feet & legs make him a great option for dairymen everywhere.
His dam is a VG-87 5* Emerson with huge records and over 109,900 kgs lifetime! Next dam is VG-88 7* Megabuck, then VG-88 15* Shoremar Lindy Maggie and a VG-86 12* Starbuck and three more VG or EX dams.
Great functional tratis enhance this bull's appeal and make him a Health$mart™ sire, posting a +104 Herd Life, +103 Lact. Persistency, +105 D Fertilty, +108 D Calving Ability and +102 Calving Ability with a combined 107 kgs protein and fat.
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Mr Sam Son Adds Diversity

Adding another Mr Sam son, Semex continues to show diversity and a product offering that is designed to meet the needs of dairymen everywhere.
0200HO03498 Gillette Winners is a Mr Sam from a VG-88 10* Blitz dam that traces back to Canada’s famous Gypsy Grand family. This pedigree offers dairymen the unique opportunity to combine the consistency and reliability of the Gypsy Grand family with an outcross sire in Mr Sam.
“These daughters are deep-ribbed, with good udders that are well-attached. Breeders will appreciate an outcross sire like Winners,” says USA Premier™ Consultant Nick Sarbacker. Ranking as the #4 PTAT Mr Sam son, Winners is a Designer Series™ sire that meets the needs of many, arriving at +2.29 PTAT, +2.01 UDC, +2.39 FU Attach, +3.18 RU Width, +2.57 RU Height, with a 6 for Calving Ease and he’s also a high fertility Repromax™ sire.
“The Winners are very consistent cows,” comments Carl Barclay, Westgen Progeny Analyst. “We see them as having very snug, well-attached mammary systems with correct rumps and feet that track well in all environments.” Combining field comments with proof data in Canada show him to be at +104 Herd Life, +106 Calving and Dtr Calving Ability, solid Conf at +14, +13 Mammary System and +9 Dairy Strength.
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High Fertility Repromax™ Sires Added To Semex Lineup

With the August 2010 genetic release, Semex is pleased to introduce several new Holstein sires to its Repromax™ lineup.
Repromax™ sires are those Semex sires that are both highly reliable and high fertility with no genetic sacrifices. Semex scientists have gathered SCR, ATA and Non-Return data to develop the world's first international fertility evaluation. Known as Repromax™ sires, these sires are Semex's highest-ranked fertility sires. These bulls improve the fertility performance of cows and increase your profitability, representing the best of the best, with no genetic sacrifices.
With dozens of numbers to analyze and problems to solve in a day, dairymen are looking to simplify processes and find easy solutions to their dairy's problems. Semex’s Repromax™ sires are the answer to their fertility issues.
Semex’s new Repromax™ sires are easily identified with the Repromax™ brand in all Semex materials and are listed below. These sires are included in ProMate™, Semex’s global custom selection index:
0200HO05567 R-E-W SEAVER

For more a complete listing or more information on Repromax™ sires or any of Semex’s growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit
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