Famous Goldwyn Brothers Offer Rare & Exceptional Opportunity


Hailing from an exceptional Durham dam, Gillette-I Durham Jericho EX-CAN 10*, with records to over 22,000 kg/48,000 lbs in 305 days and nearly 90,000 kgs/200,000 lbs lifetime, plus three more VG or EX dams, dictated success for Jordan and Jerrick.

“Jericho went VG-87 in her second lactation, but was bred right back to carry. So when she calved for the third time she really bloomed to her full potential,” says Julien Chabot, Semex Sire Analyst and buyer of Jerrick and Jordan.

“She had a Freelance heifer that now is EX-93. Jericho went VG-89 early in lactation, and a few months later moved up to EX. Her first flush was to Canyon-Breeze Allen, which produced an EX-91 daughter. The second flush was to Goldwyn just after he was made available. It produced Jerrick, Jordan and a heifer, Jenny. She is VG as a first calver and has one of the highest LPI direct genomic values in the Gillette herd.”

Being split embryo brothers makes Jordan and Jerrick 100% identical in their DNA, offering a rare and exceptional opportunity. However, in their initial proof we will see small differences in their breakdowns due to maternal influence of the daughters as well as environmental impact. The biggest difference at this point, is in their daughter numbers.

As the breed’s newest #1 LPI sire, Designer Series™ sire 0200HO05575 Gillette Jordan arrives after months of speculation and anticipation without disappointment. “These cows are easy to find,” says Carl Saucier, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “ Just look for the best feet & legs and udders in the barns! They’re sweet cows, beautiful, feminine and have great rear udders with lots of crease and veination.”

Proof positive, Jordan’s LPI of +2740, +15 Conf, +14 MS, +13 FL with +110 Herd Life, +107 Calving Ability, +107 D Calving Ability and low 2.49 SCS with positive deviations certainly agrees with these comments of being an all-around sire. On the US scale, he does not disappoint at +2.53 PTAT, +2.03 UDC, backed by +2.96 FU Attach, +2.89 RU Height, +2.79 RU Width and +2.76 U Cleft, a 3.2 PL and positive deviations. These traits confirm his Health$mart™ status and he’s also a high fertility Repromax™ sire.

Jordan’s twin brother from a split embryo debuts with a mirror proof. 0200HO05577 Gillette Jerrick ranks #7 LPI, with the largest difference in his proof being the number of daughters! This Designer Series™ and Health$mart™ sire is +2397 LPI, +11 Conf, +13 MS, +9 F&L with +109 Herd Life, +107 Calving Ability, +106 D Calving Ability and low 2.51 SCS. His US rankings place him at +2.20 PTAT with +2.12 UDC, +1.69 FLC and 2.4 PL, and exceptional rear udder traits of +3.28 RU Height and +2.97 RU Width with positive deviations.

Jordan has over 90 daughters in his initial type proof, while Jerrick has just over 50 daughters scored. Both bulls have continued to add many daughters since the genetic cut off for the August proof, which will make the December 2010 and April 2011 genetic evaluations even more interesting. Jerrick and Jordan were members of Semex’s Genomax™ program, and were re-released outside of their initial young sire sampling program. This was a great opportunity for breeders, and it also will allow both bulls to add daughters each proof round for the next two years.

These two sires offer a rare and exciting opportunity. They are genetically identical and are both producing excellent results, meeting the high standards the industry has set for all Goldwyn sons. At this point, Jordan may be considered to be the higher profile sire due to a slightly higher LPI rating, but Jerrick has a very similar breakdown and will have SEMEXX™ sexed semen available, making him one of the industry’s premier sexed semen sires.

Breeders and dairymen worldwide have been anxiously awaiting the release of Goldwyn sons, and now at Semex we’re pleased to be ‘Your Source for Goldwyn Sons’! We’re certain that Jordan and Jerrick are two Goldwyn sons that have something to offer dairymen everywhere, underlining the fact that Every Dose Counts!