Solid Type, Functional Traits & By Goldwyn!


Dairymen looking for a Goldwyn son with solid type and functional health traits need look no further than 0200HO03516 Ginary Jack.

From a VG-87 5* Allen dam then a VG-86 14* Rudolph with 2 Super 3’s and 4 Superior Lactations, and three more VG dams. Jack brings tremendous +112 Herd Life, +110 Milking Speed, +110 Calving Ability and +105 D Calving Ability and low 2.58 SCS, making him an ideal fit for commercial dairymen.

Dairymen can confidently use this Health$mart™ sire with an extremely pleasing +11 Conf, +11 MS, +9 F&L. In the US, this translates to +2.32 PTAT, +1.98 UDC, +1.16 FLC with a low 6% for Calving Ease, 2.68 SCS and 2.30 PL.

“These are cows that have nice udders with tremendous texture,” says Chris Studer, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “Their rear udders are both high and wide, and they walk on very functional feet and legs, making them virtually trouble free.”