Semex: Your Source For Goldwyn Sons!

The long-awaited release of Goldwyn’s diversified sons arrived August 17, 2010, confirming what Holstein enthusiasts had been speculating… Goldwyn is truly one of the breed’s ‘great’ sires and ‘Semex is Your Source For Goldwyn Sons’!

As promised by early deviations and from field reports spanning the continent, the Goldwyn sons have arrived with force! Dominating the LPI rankings, 13 sons placed in the top 100, six in the top 20 and four in the top 10. In the US, Goldwyn sons dominated the top type rankings, with Semex’s Goldwyn x Laurie Sheiks (Lauthority) ranking as the top Goldwyn son at an impressive +3.61 PTAT. In the UK, Goldwyn sons have landed at the very top of the breed, peppering the top 30.

Proven in all areas of Canada and the USA, these sons of the current #10 TPI and #5 LPI sire each offer traits influenced by Goldwyn himself, but also transmit the very best from their maternal lines.

“It’s important to note that these Goldwyns are not all the same,” says Brad Sayles, Semex Alliance Vice President Global Marketing. “They each offer something different, meeting the varying needs of dairies worldwide. Breeders can feel confident that these sons of Goldwyn are as a group and individually the best in the business – we’re committed to providing our customers with proven sons from the breed’s top proven bulls and deepest cow families. These Goldwyn sons are no exception.”


As the breed’s newest #1 LPI sire, Designer Series™ sire 0200HO05575 Gillette Jordan arrives after months of speculation and anticipation without disappointment. “These cows are easy to find,” says Carl Saucier, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “ Just look for the best feet & legs and udders in the barns! They’re sweet cows, beautiful, feminine and have great rear udders with lots of crease and veination.”

Proof positive, Jordan’s LPI of +2740, +15 Conf, +14 MS, +13 FL with +110 Herd Life, +107 Calving Ability, +107 D Calving Ability and low 2.49 SCS with positive deviations certainly agrees with these comments of being an all-around sire. On the US scale, he does not disappoint at +2.53 PTAT, +2.03 UDC, backed by +2.96 FU Attach, +2.89 RU Height, +2.79 RU Width and +2.76 U Cleft, a 3.2 PL and positive deviations. These traits confirm his Health$mart™ status and he’s also a high fertility Repromax™ sire.

Jordan’s twin brother from a split embryo debuts with a mirror proof. 0200HO05577 Gillette Jerrick ranks #7 LPI, with the largest difference in his proof being the number of daughters! Designer Series™, Health$mart™ sire is +2397 LPI, +11 Conf, +13 MS, +9 F&L with +109 Herd Life, +107 Calving Ability, +106 D Calving Ability and low 2.51 SCS. His US rankings place him at +2.20 PTAT with +2.12 UDC, +1.69 FLC and 2.4 PL, and exceptional rear udder traits of +3.28 RU Height and +2.97 RU Width with positive deviations.

In the USA, Designer Series™ sire 0200HO05588 Comestar Lauthority is the highest new release and #2 PTAT sire at +3.61 with exceptional stature at +3.42, silky mammary systems at +2.48 UDC, backed by +3.06 FU Attach, +3.60 RU Height, +3.46 RU Width and +3.83 U Cleft. Lauthority also ranks as the #8 LPI sire at +17 Conf (#6 Conf Sire), +15 MS and +12 F&L. He also scores an exceptional +109 D Calving Ability, +107 Herd Life and 2.79 SCS, contributing to his Health$mart™ sire status.

0200HO05562 Delaberge Lureck offers dairyness in each mating. Debuting at #10 LPI, Lurek sires functional dairy cows with tremendous udder texture and width. His pleasing +11 Conf, +13 MS, positive deviations of +.13%F, +.16%P and outstanding functional traits including +107 Calving Ability, 2.72 SCS and +106 Herd Life will make him an easy Health$mart™ sire. His additional status as a high fertility Semex Repromax™ sire will make him a popular mating around the world.

#11 LPI, 0200HO05584 Fleury Mathys, debuts as a sire known to sire tall, strong cows with extremely high fat and protein deviations. His good udders and feet & legs make him a great option for dairymen. Great functional traits enhance this bull’s appeal and make him a Health$mart™ sire, designed to at +104 Herd Life, +103 Lact. Persistency, +105 D Fertility, +108 D Calving Ability and +102 Calving Ability.

Breeders were anxious to see where 0200HO05592 Crackholm Fever would rank, and he did not disappoint at #24 LPI with an impressive +19 Conf, making him the #2 Conf sire in the breed and a Semex Designer Series™ bull! With 106 daughters in his type proof he is an extremely reliable choice for dairymen. His US conversion was favourable at +2.59 PTAT, making him the #11 PTAT Goldwyn. With a lot more to offer, he's a Health$mart™ sire, with high Herd Life at +109, D Calving Ability +109, and low 2.75 SCS scores with all other conf traits being way above breed average. Additionally, he's a high fertility Repromax™ sire. “Fever has the highest GP% and better ever in our area,” says Carl Saucier, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “They’re tall, easy to find daughters showing lots of width with tremendous udder texture and fore udders. He’ll mate well on anything that’s black & white!”

0200HO03516 Ginary Jack is a Goldwyn son that will fit perfectly into the needs of commercial dairymen with exceptional health traits including low 2.58 SCS, +112 Herd Life, +110 Milking Speed, +110 Calving Ability and +105 D Calving Ability. Dairymen can confidently use this Health$mart™ sire with an extremely pleasing +11 Conf, +11 MS. In the US, this translates to +2.32 PTAT, +1.98 UDC, +1.16 FLC with a low 6% for Calving Ease, 2.68 SCS and 2.30 PL.

0200HO05606 Ralma Confirm hails from the famous Durham, Christmas Fudge who produced numerous high-ranking progeny. This Designer Series™ Goldwyn son debuts with tremendous type, proven in the USA and Canada, at +3.25 PTAT, +2.27 UDC and +2.60 FLC, making him the #4 PTAT Goldwyn son and #6 PTAT in the breed! Positive deviations, extremely low 2.46 SCS and great udders place Confirm in a similar light as his sire, Goldwyn.

Dairymen looking for a consistent Goldwyn son should look no further than 0200HO05567 R-E-W Seaver. “Seavers are consistent, with shallow udders, great texture and perfect teat size,” says Chris Studer, CIAQ Progeny Analyst. “They show a tremendous improvement over their dams, with the strength and width that will keep them healthy in the freestalls.” Ranking #14 LPI and a Semex Repromax™ and Health$mart™ sire, Seaver has an extremely high +17 Conf, +17 MS, +14 Dairy Strength, +13 F Attach and +13 R Attach Height, shows his type abilities and gives him his Designer Series™ sire status as a type specialist. Adding to this appeal is +107 Herd Life and low 2.56 SCS. He’s the #6 PTAT Goldwyn son at +3.08 with a +2.68 UDC and +1.36 FLC. Looking at his mammary scores it’s undeniable that he’s exceptional, scoring a +3.70 FU Attach, +4.33 RU Height and +3.99 RU Width. With low 2.67 SCS and +3.0 PL, this all around balanced sire can work anywhere!