Semex Alliance & Holstein Canada Launch National 3K Genomic Testing Pilot Project


With the aim of providing Canadian national genomic testing services for various dairy breeds, Holstein Canada and Semex Alliance along with its four partners CIAQ, EBI, Gencor and Westgen, launched a pilot project using the new 3K genotyping panel recently released by Illumina. This project will also test the use of nasal swabs produced by Canadian-based DNA Genotek for the collection of tissue rather than tail hair samples.

The partnering of Holstein Canada and Semex Alliance provides the foundation for a nationally based program to facilitate genomic testing by Canadian dairy producers. With joint cooperation on all genomic testing services and the distribution of nasal swab kits, maximum efficiencies are achieved without duplication at the farm level. Several tissue collection systems are being considered with a view of streamlining the entire handling process from the producer to the laboratory, which has led to the pilot project for nasal swabs.

Since November 2008, Holstein Canada and Semex Alliance have collaborated in establishing genotyping services with a Canadian laboratory, DNA LandMarks, using the 50K panel. Since August 2009, resulting genotypes have been used to increase the accuracy of genetic evaluations offered by Canadian Dairy Network (CDN). The arrival of the new 3K panel offers a lower cost option for providing genomic evaluations of similar accuracy and therefore the opportunity for broader usage within and across dairy herds in Canada.

The pilot project involves 295 females in 36 herds from across the country with all DNA samples submitted by August 10th. Genotyping by DNA LandMarks shall be completed by August 25th and unofficial genomic evaluations will be provided to herd owners by October. Starting in September 2010, a full scale joint national program, named GenoTest, will offer genomic testing services for both the 3K and 50K panels and will be widely promoted and encouraged by Semex Alliance partners and Holstein Canada.