Semex Senior Geneticist Receives 2010 Dairy Cattle Improvement Industry Distinction Award From CDN

noneReprinted with permission from Canadian Dairy Network.

Dr. Jacques Chesnais, Senior Geneticist at The Semex Alliance has been selected by the Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) Board of Directors as the 2010 recipient of the Dairy Cattle Improvement Industry Distinction Award.

CDN Board Chairman, Grant Roy, summarized this selection stating “Dr. Chesnais has been instrumental in realizing several Canadian research projects in the area of genomics, which ultimately positioned Canada with the ability to introduce official genomic evaluations starting August 2009. There is no doubt about the benefits that dairy producers and industry stakeholders will realize with this early adoption of genomics in Canada.”

Dr. Jacques Chesnais joined The Semex Alliance team in 2003 as Senior Geneticist and immediately developed a broad-based genomics research program involving collaboration between L’Alliance Boviteq, University of Guelph and University of Alberta. Early genomic initiatives used microsatellites, but moved quickly to SNP panels, first with 1,500 markers, then 10,000 and eventually to the now common 50K panel. In 2010, Jacques was also involved with the research that led to the whole genome sequencing of Braedale Goldwyn.

Dr. Chesnais has consistently demonstrated his leadership and vision aimed at advancing new technologies in the area of genomics, and genetic improvement in general, to a point of implementation to the benefit of Canadian dairy producers. His outstanding technical knowledge, combined with an understanding and ability for technology transfer to practical application, has been a major asset to the industry.

Canadian Dairy Network is the national genetic evaluation centre for dairy cattle and provides services to Canadian dairy producers and member organizations including breed associations, DHI agencies, A.I. organizations and Dairy Farmers of Canada. The award will be presented to Dr. Jacques Chesnais during the 2010 Dairy Cattle Improvement Industry Forum on September 16th in Orford, Québec, in advance of the 15th Annual General Meeting of CDN the next day.