Semex Learning Centre Trains Semex Staff Worldwide

noneSemex is working hard to ensure that the Semex sales force continues to be the industry's most well-respected and informed staff, committed to delivering profitable solutions to dairymen around the world. This continuous development and commitment to ongoing education is at the foundation of the Semex Learning Centre (SLC).

Recently several training sessions were held:

  • In the USA, Semex USA staff completed the second phase of their SLC 'Roadmap To Sales Success' training. This training involves a group of programs designed to ensure Semex sales people continue to focus on meeting their clients' needs, while delivering profitable solutions and ultimately results to their clients. These courses involved three days of traditional, in-class training designed to engage an ongoing conversation with Semex clients, understanding their goals and objectives.

  • Semex Germany sales staff traveled to Canada for hands-on training regarding Semex's products, programs and services, Canadian genetic evaluation, Holstein Canada's classification program. Additional sessions focused on salesmanship and customer as well as management and daughter tours.

  • Additional Semex staff from Algeria, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Holland, Pakistan, Portugal, United Kingdom, Mexico, Korea and Thailand attended a training session in Canada at the end of May regarding Semex products, programs and services, the Canadian dairy industry, understanding the Canadian genetic evaluation system and Canadian classification system.

"Today's dairy industry is competitive, very competitive," says Brad Adams, Semex Alliance Global Training Manager. "Semex sales staff have to be the best in the world if they are going to continue to deliver value to dairy producers globally. You can't do that over night... It's a long-term strategic commitment Semex is making to both our customers and to our staff."

Training in the USA and to Semex staff worldwide continues through SLC's on going, web-based training components, focusing on reproductive solutions, profitability, technical knowledge and understanding, as well as leadership and management development.