Semex Nyheder

Semex og Mavasol inviterer dig!

Torsdag den 8. september er du hjertelig velkommen på den fantastiske ejendom Bølkhøj I/S hos familien Cornelissen i Rødekro. Denne virksomhed med over 680 årskøer har været 100% Semex kunde i over 8 år, og vi vil gerne vise dig resultaterne.   Program: Velkomst kl. 11.00 Introduktion og rundvisning med Rene Cornelissen fra Bølkhøj I/S Arbejde med Semex Solutions (Dirk Streefkerk og Luc Libberecht) Sandvasker fra Mavasol til genbrug af sand i stalden   Afslutning er omkring 15.30 Selvfølgelig giver vi dig en velsmagende snack og drinks! Tilmelding er nødvendig og pladserne er begrænsede, tilmeld dig hurtigt via dette link📲
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Passion for køer i 25 år

Køer er vores passion, det gælder ikke kun for Semex, men også for alle mælkeproducenter. Og det vil vi gerne udstråle, ikke kun i sektoren, men også længere ud. Denne passion har været med os i 25 år nu. Og med stor stolthed viser vi det gerne frem til alle. Derfor har vi nu designet et magnetisk klistermærke, der kan klistres på forskellige steder for at dele denne passion; på traktoren, bilen, køleskabet osv. I den kommende periode uddeler vi disse magnetiske klistermærker, det sker gennem vores avlsspecialister/din avlsrådgiver på de kommende messer. Så kom og mød os og sæt et klistermærke på dig med stolthed, hvor du vil! For at gøre det endnu sjovere, så det også smitter af på andre, beder vi dig dele det mest originale sted med os. Ved at bære dette klistermærke det mest originale sted for at vise alle denne stolthed, har vi en særlig præmie i tankerne: en unik malet tyre-statue *Giveawayen løber indtil næste avlsværdital: 9. august 2022
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Boviteq is extremely excited to announce the opening of several new licensee locations worldwide. Strategically selected, these new IVF partners combine local intelligence with Boviteq knowledge to deliver clients globally with the industry’s leading IVF services.

Now, clients in Switzerland at Swissgenetics, in France at Evolution, in Western Canada at Bow Valley Genetics, in Italy at Embryovet and in the UK via Paragon Vet Ltd have access to Boviteq’s world-leading technology and services.

“With the global growth in IVF services and the extreme demand we’ve seen for Boviteq worldwide Swissgenetics, Evolution, Bow Valley Genetics, EmbryoVet and Paragon were all logical choices,” says Dany-Pierre Rondeau, Semex Vice President, Embryo Division. “Each brings their own excellent service and client relationships, along with a quality first philosophy that meshes with our own. As producers turn to embryos and IVF for the fastest genetic gain, Boviteq is a real game changer. Our goal is to expand in key markets, bringing worldwide access to Boviteq’s IVF technology.”

"Over the past several months our staff in Saint-Hyacinthe has been working hard to train and accredit staff at each location on our standard operating procedures, techniques and attention to detail,” says Rondeau. “We have no doubt that the quality and service we’re known for is now available in Switzerland, France, Western Canada, Italy and the UK.”

A division of Semex, Boviteq offers the world’s leading reproductive and genetic solutions to its global clients via its world-class laboratories, ground-breaking research and exceptional service.

For additional information on Swissgenetics please visit:
For additional information on Evolution please visit: ... Læs mere...

Avlsværdital april: highlights og grundlæggende justeringer

Hvert år i april finder en grundlæggende base tilpasning sted i Canada, hvilket betyder at alle tyre falder i næsten alle egenskaber (på grund af stigende basis). For eksempel ved produktion er den genetiske udvikling 107 kg mælk, så det er hvor meget tyrene falder ved de samme avlsværdier. Også ved eksteriør øges det med 0,83 og 0,97 ved yver. De fleste tyre vil derfor miste 1 point på deres eksteriørtal. Dette er en selvfølge at tage højde for, når der studeres nye tal.   I Canada har vi igen fået gode resultater, med især en bekræftelse af gode Semex tyre. Alcove ligger fortsat solidt i spidsen og gennem sine sønner og døtre har han også stor indflydelse på de højeste tyre på den genomiske liste.   Westcoast Alcove (Duke x MVP), en ekstrem god ydelses-tyr med meget solidt eksteriør. Alcove døtre er ikke store, men især brede. Pine-Tree-I Pursuit (Imax x Profit), høje produktioner med pæn ydelse og med gode procenter. Tidligere nr.1 TPI, nu nummer 5. Boldi V Gymnast (Doorsopen x Jabir), god ydelse, bliver ved med at stige. Tilfredse brugere. Stantons Alligator (Kingboy x McCutchen), god ydelse med super eksteriør. Stærke køer med godt yver. Progenesis Moose (Eugenio x Profit), tyr med gode solide NVI tal. Melarry Fuel (Duke x Kingboy), han fortsætter med at imponere med sine døtre, der kun bliver bedre og bedre. Boldi V Aptitude (Davinci x Epic), vidunderlig allrounder, leverer smukke og produktive køer med godt yver. Lindenright Apps (Applicable x Superman), ligesom sin far, kendt for godt yver. De første døtre bliver allerede malket i Holland og DK. 3star OH Ranger red (Rubels x Salvatore), stadig en super tyr hos Semex. Westcoast Almamater (Alcove x Montana), højeste Alcove-søn fra en ... Læs mere...


Semex is pleased to announce its 2022-2023 Board of Directors with one new member, Jean Bissonnette, joining the Board, replacing outgoing director Mariette Gagnon, representing Centre d'insémination artificielle du Québec (CIAQ).   Phil MacLean will continue to serve as President of the Board (EastGen), assisted by Vice President Jean-François Morin (CIAQ) and Executive Member Curtis McNeil (EastGen). Other members of the Board of Directors include: Normand Barriault (CIAQ); Richard Lagacé (CIAQ); Gerrit Wensink (EastGen); Jean Bissonnette (CIAQ); Tom Pasco (EastGen); and James Ross (WestGen); Tony Van Garderen (WestGen).     Semex is comprised of three Owners: WestGen, CIAQ (Centre d'insémination artificielle du Québec) and EastGen. As a leading global genetics company, Semex is focused on providing our clients with the solutions, innovations and technologies that positively impact their lives, as well as the lives of the animals on their operations and within our global community. This is Genetics for Life, our guiding compass.     Photo Caption: Top from L to R: Phil MacLean, Jean-François Morin, Curtis McNeil; Middle from L to R: Normand Barriault, Jean Bissonnette, Tony Van Garderen; Bottom from L to R: Richard Lagacé, Gerrit Wensink, Tom Pasco, James Ross.  
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Semex and Boviteq, are excited to announce a partnership started in the Fall of 2021 with world-renown breeders Ferme Jacobs of Cap-Santé, Quebec.   Ferme Jacobs is shifting much of their milk production herd to a state-of-the-art robotic facility for 300+ cows. Being focused on genetic improvement, Semex and Boviteq are pleased to team up with them, utilizing Semex solutions such as Elevate® genomic testing and IVF services from Boviteq. Together, we’re developing a genetic strategy that maximizes genetic gain, producing elite male and female calves, as well as overall herd genetic improvement to meet their future growth strategies.   “We are so pleased to be working more closely with Ferme Jacobs,” said Brad Sayles, Semex Chief Operating Officer. “They’re working hard to invest in their breeding program to not only develop their famous show herd, but also to develop productive, healthy cows that work well in modern management environments. They’re extremely passionate breeders, and excellent ambassadors for the dairy industry, so assisting them in their genetic strategy to reach these goals is certainly an opportunity we’re excited about. Thierry Laberge, Product Development Specialist as well as Semex’s entire genetic team and Pier-Olivier Lehoux, Ciaq Consulting Representative who will work with them to establish objectives, utilizing Semex sires to produce bulls for Semex and elite females for themselves.”   “Additionally, they will be utilizing Boviteq’s world-leading embryo production platform and IVF technologies to maximize embryo production and reproductive performance,” says Sayles.
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Semex and Nedap have strengthened and expanded their successful partnership. The Semex ai24® program with Nedap technology is now available in more countries, enabling dairy farmers to significantly improve their herd performance and profitability.

Semex ai24, which monitors the reproduction, health and location of cows, has been offered with Nedap technology in a growing amount of key dairy regions since 2008. The successful results that dairy farmers experience from Semex ai24 technology within the program and the related high level of customer satisfaction has led to this expansion.

"Striving for efficiency and precision management for its clients, Semex is excited to offer Nedap technology to even more markets through its Semex ai24 program. Nedap has already been a trusted partner in many countries around the globe for more than 10 years, with an excellent track record when it comes to improving dairy herd management and performance. Semex clients can take advantage of all the benefits this reliable and innovative technology offers," says Drew Sloan, Semex Sr. Vice President, Sales & Business Development.

Bas Driessen, Sales Manager at Nedap adds, "Nedap is proud of the many years of collaboration with Semex. The value that Semex adds for dairy farmers through the ai24 program with Nedap technology is a crowning achievement. Their improved results and enthusiasm are the main proof of our successful partnership. We are therefore thrilled to expand the collaboration partnership with Semex." 

Semex is comprised of three Partner Owners: WestGen, CIAQ (Centre d'insémination artificielle du Québec) and EastGen. As a leading global genetics company, Semex is focused on providing our clients with the solutions, innovations and technologies that positively impact their lives, as well as the lives of the animals on their operations and within our global community. This is Genetics for Life, our guiding ... Læs mere...


Semex along with its owners, EastGen and CIAQ, are pleased to announce the donation of a combined $100,000 to the British Columbia Dairy Association adding to the $100,000 donation previously made by WestGen. Last month the BC Dairy Association worked quickly to set up an emergency recovery fund with all monies raised directed towards providing urgently needed services and supplies to dairy farms and their families.

"The entire country has been moved by the devastation seen by our clients, friends and partners in British Columbia following these catastrophic floods," says Paul Larmer, Semex CEO. "Our deepest concern has been and continues to be the health and safety of farmers, farm workers and livestock in these affected areas. With our partners at WestGen, we collectively worked immediately to protect supply chains and deliverables, and now together we're working to support the work needed to rebuild in these critical farming areas in what has already been a challenging year."

"British Columbia's farmers were there for us during the Great Ice Storm of 1998," says CIAQ President, Jean-François Morin. "Now it is our turn to be there for them. On behalf of our Board of Directors, employees and client-owners, we are making this gesture of solidarity to help them get through this terrible ordeal."

"As partners in Semex, we work together for producers across Canada," says EastGen President Gerrit Wensink. "Now, as the individuals and families in British Columbia deal with the devastation brought by the floods, producers in Eastern Canada are united in support of their colleagues and partners in BC."

"We're proud to be partners in a key part of Western Canada's dairy community and will continue to support and evaluate needs in this recovery effort," says Larmer. "Today we're proud to announce this collective commitment and we look forward to helping rebuild this critical part of the ... Læs mere...


Semex-tyre i stort antal på #1- pladser på verdensplan, i Canada, USA og Italien er Semex-tyre øverst på den nationale rangliste!   LPI (Canada) - Westcoast Alcove: igen #1 i Canada…… +3736LPI med 2362kg mælk og +0,42%F og +0,10%P i kombination med +10 eksteriør. - Boldi V Gymnast: er nu den næsthøjeste Semex-tyr i Canada. Meget mælk med solid kropsbygning er hans varemærker. - Stanton's Alligator: #3 LPI og +15 eksteriør og Immunity+, en mere komplet allrounder tyr findes ikke. - Boldi V Aptitude: Klatrer videre til de højeste regioner. Allround tyr, Immunity+ og super populær. - Stanton's Adorable: denne bestseller forbliver også øverst på LPI-listen. En kombination af mælk med fremragende komponenter, top eksteriør og med meget gode sundhedsegenskaber. - Melarry Fuel: #8 LPI med massiv mælkmængde, +11 eksteriør og immunitet+. Et rigtigt kraftcenter! - Westcoast Randall: super stabil, afbalanceret avl, når det er bedst. - Legend Maker Victor: gør det fremragende og øger klart i produktionen. Med +13 eksteriør en top tyr i dette segment. - Walnutlawn Sidekick: forbliver langt den højeste døtre afprøvede i Canada i eksteriør (+16).   LPI Genomic (Canada) - 3-stjernet OH Ranger red: sikke et fænomen... rød og hvid og langt den #1 LPI takket være fantastiske produktionstal, superbrugeregenskaber og +10 eksteriør og Immunity+. Lige nu er Ranger nok den mest omtalte tyr i verden. - Westcoast Lugnut: En søn af Alcove og arver sin fars styrker. Også immunitet+. - Westcoast Rocknroll: Pyramid x Alcove og populær i de lave lande i et stykke tid, en dejlig allrounder. - Westcoast Almamater: En fantastisk Alcove søn fra en top kofamilie. Gode  komponenter og meget godt eksteriør. Også en Immunity+ tyr - Westcoast Retrolook: Maestro X Alcove, højt LPI via mælk, komponenter og solid eksteriør.     TPI (USA) - Pine-Tree-I-Pursuit: med 2922 TPI den højeste døtreafprøvede tyr i verden! Meget mælk med ... Læs mere...


Semex is pleased to announce that Dr Bonnie Mallard, University of Guelph Professor Ontario Veterinary College, has received the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Synergy Award and its highest prize of $200,000 towards continuing research. 

Launched in 1995 by NSERC the Synergy Award recognizes partnerships in natural sciences and engineering research and development between universities and Canadian industry. Since their inception, the Awards have honoured the most outstanding achievements of these collaborations in the natural sciences and engineering. 

“When I learned of this win, I was over the moon about this tremendous recognition of my lifetime work as a scientist and professor of immunogenetics,” said Dr. Mallard, adding that the award recognizes women scientists’ ability to translate science into innovation.

“The NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation is one of the highest awards this country offers for innovation, and I plan to use this platform to bring further expansion to the HIR/Immunity+® technology,” she said. “There is still much exciting work left to do.”

Licensed to Semex, the HIR technology has been available to clients worldwide under the Immunity+ lineup since 2012.

“The HIR technology and Immunity+ is a good example of the importance of long-term research collaborations,” says Paul Larmer, Semex CEO. “Nominations are judged on partnership, effective use of resources and tangible benefits, all of which are evident with Immunity+ and HIR testing. We congratulate Dr. Mallard and we’re excited to continue our work together to reduce cattle disease and its related costs through preventative genetic methods worldwide.” 
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