Semex Nyheder

Sponsor Canada-Australia Young Adult Exchange

Semex and Holstein Canada are proud to once again sponsor a young adult exchange program along with their Australian counterparts, Semex Pty. Ltd and the Victorian Branch of the Holstein-Friesian Association of Australia. This program offers a young Canadian the opportunity to experience the Australian dairy industry first-hand, and an Australian or New Zealand youth to travel to Canada and gain insight into our Canadian dairy industry. 
The 2014 exchange program to Australia involves exciting travel and educational opportunities for a young Canadian dairy enthusiast between the ages of 18 and 25. The successful candidate will spend approximately three months working on leading Holstein farms and artificial breeding centers in Australia beginning in January 2014 at Australia's International Dairy Week, and continuing through March 2014. 
Applications are available at and or by clicking here for a Canadian youth with a firm application deadline of August 1, 2013. The successful candidate will be contacted in August and publicly announced at the 2013 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. 
For additional information please contact Brenda Lee-Turner at Semex or Janet Walker at Holstein Canada. 
Brenda Lee-Turner, Semex Marketing Communications Specialist 608-237-3883 • Fax: 608-223-9492 • 
Janet Walker, Holstein Canada Market Development & Young Adult Coordinator 519-756-8300 ext 267 • Fax: 519-756-5878 • 
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Semex's Windbrook Passes Away

Semex regrets to announce that its popular sire 0200HO03501 Gillette Windbrook has passed away following an injury sustained in his pen. Since his release in December 2010, this FBI son has been in high demand worldwide. Evidence of this popularity is the unprecedented demand for his sons that are already being used extensively worldwide. "We're certainly saddened to lose Windbrook early in his career," comments Brad Sayles, Semex Vice President Global Marketing. "He is testament to the power and diversity of the Semex lineup, being a ShowTime sire by FBI and from one of Canada's most popular and prolific cow families." "Semex is fortunate to have nearly a dozen Windbrook sons in our Genomax lineup with additional young sires in proving programs and in waiting," says Sayles. "There is no doubt that the Windbrook story is just beginning."
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All dairy producers want more healthy cows. The challenge has been that until today, health traits have been very difficult to improve genetically. For over a decade, Semex has been supporting immune response research at the University of Guelph in Canada under the direction of Dr. Bonnie Mallard, BSc (Agr), MSc, PhD, Professor Immunogenetics, Department of Pathobiology. This research has resulted in a new product at Semex known as Immunity+™ sires. With heritability comparable to productivity traits, Semex’s Immunity+ sires will produce cattle with a broad based resistance to the bacterial and viral based pathogens that cattle are exposed to on a daily basis. Additionally, their daughters will produce colostrum that passes on more antibodies and they will respond better to vaccination protocols. “This is an industry first. And, Semex is proud to exclusively offer a product that will dramatically change the way our clients look at developing their own operation’s genetic strategies,” says Brad Sayles, Semex Vice President Global Marketing. “Producers know that some cows just go unnoticed…. They don’t get sick, they don’t cause problems and they don’t cost producers extra money. We’re excited to be the exclusive genetic company globally to offer this product, and to deliver a new solution for disease control to the marketplace.” For more information on Semex, Genetics for Life, Immunity+ sires or any of Semex’s brands visit:
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All dairy producers want more healthy cows. The challenge has been that until today, health traits have been very difficult to improve genetically. For over a decade, Semex has been supporting immune response research at the University of Guelph in Canada under the direction of Dr. Bonnie Mallard, BSc (Agr), MSc, PhD, Professor Immunogenetics, Department of Pathobiology. This research has resulted in a new product at Semex known as Immunity+™ sires. With heritability comparable to productivity traits, Semex’s Immunity+ sires will produce cattle with a broad based resistance to the bacterial and viral based pathogens that cattle are exposed to on a daily basis. Additionally, their daughters will produce colostrum that passes on more antibodies and they will respond better to vaccination protocols. “This is an industry first. And, Semex is proud to exclusively offer a product that will dramatically change the way our clients look at developing their own operation’s genetic strategies,” says Brad Sayles, Semex Vice President Global Marketing. “Producers know that some cows just go unnoticed…. They don’t get sick, they don’t cause problems and they don’t cost producers extra money. We’re excited to be the exclusive genetic company globally to offer this product, and to deliver a new solution for disease control to the marketplace.” For more information on Semex, Genetics for Life, Immunity+ sires or any of Semex’s brands visit:
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Semex Graduates Two Robot Ready® Sires

Semex's Robot Ready™ index is a revolutionary tool, and is an index specifically designed to match the needs and pace of today’s ever-changing dairy industry. Semex’s senior geneticists have created this index to identify code 200 bulls that will sire daughters possessing traits that are profitable in automated environments. Animal productivity, disease resistance and also the functional type traits that are highly correlated to milking ease are all considered in this index. New releases to the program following the April proof round include include these progeny proven sires: 0200HO05843 GEN-I-BEQ TOPSIDE 0200HO05868 TWIN-SPRUCE FACEOFF For more information on Robot Ready™ sires or any of Semex’s growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit
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Put Tomorrow's Best Genetics To Work Today With Semex Genomax® Sires

Semex's main goal in using genomic selection and offering our Genomax™ product has been to increase both the number and diversity of elite bulls available to our clients. This allows Semex customers worldwide to make the most genetic progress and ultimately profit within their own herds. Through a careful selection process Semex offers the best genomic tested young sires available today. These sires are those that top the rankings, whether you’re looking for LPI or TPI and feature young sires that are the best for: Net Merit; TPI; LPI; Type; Calving Ease. Semex additionally offers sexed genomic bulls known as Genomaxx™ sires. These newly released Genomax™ sires are truly standouts with unlimited potential, ready to give you tomorrow’s genetics today: 0200HO03742 AMMON-PEACHEY STANTON 0200HO02749 D-K-SILK SYMBOL 0200HO02783 DANHOF DETROIT 0200HO07471 DENMIRE MERCHANDISE 0200HO06353 LEOTHE DEXTERMAN 0200HO06319 LOOKOUT P LAST CHANCE 0200HO02644 MISTY SPRINGS SMOKIN 0200HO02751 MORSAN MR METAL 0200HO02759 MR CHASSITY COLOSS 0200HO06343 OLSZEWSKI SMORE 0200HO06230 PELLERAT MOON 0200HO02791 RUGG-DOC ARTFUL 0200HO02776 STANTONS DEFINE 0200HO02770 SULLY HART MERIDIAN 0200HO02731 VER-HAGES TT SHOWDOWN 0200JE09827 SUNSET CANYON ADAM 0200JE00183 SUNSET CANYON DAVID 0200GU00402 LANG HAVEN NINJA For more information on Genomax™ sires and how to effectively put genomics to work in your herd click here and read 'The 30-60-90 Rule In Breeding Cattle'. Semex has a growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit or contact your local Semex representative today for additional information!
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New Semex Designer Series® Sires Added With April Proofs

The Semex Designer Series™ sires are hand-selected for their ability to sire individuals with Semex’s famous high-type look. These sires are those that transmit head-turning looks as well as longevity and its related increased production and profitability. New releases to the program following the April proof round include include these progeny proven sires: 0200HO03606 ALLYNDALE-I ATTICUS 0200HO05843 GEN-I-BEQ TOPSIDE 0200HO03604 GILLETTE WALLACE 0200HO03605 GILLETTE WHITEFACE 0200JE00149 BRIDON VINCENT 0200JE00447 LENCREST CAVALIA For more information on these Designer Series™ sires or any of Semex’s growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit
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The Most Profitable & Valuable Cows Are By Semex Health$mart® Sires

Semex identifies Health$mart™ sires as those that sire the most valuable and profitable cows on the dairy. These sires excel for qualities that dairies can easily quantify in their ledgers. Dairymen can trust that a Semex Health$mart™ sire will have a positive financial impact, saving on vet bills, medications and staff time, as well as lost breedings and lost production. Since its release in August 2009, the Health$mart™ lineup has been under tremendous demand, as dairymen around the world are looking to reduce expenditures and increase their profitability. The selection criteria for a Semex Health$mart™ sire is based on: • Health Traits: Herd Life, Somatic Cell Score, Daughter Calving Ability, Milking Speed, Daughter Fertility • Production: Milk, Fat and Protein • Durability Traits: Final Conformation, Mammary System and Feet & Legs Semex’s new Health$mart™ sires are easily identified with the Health$mart™ brand in all Semex materials and are listed below. These sires are included in ProMate™, Semex’s global custom selection index: 0200HO03606 ALLYNDALE-I ATTICUS 0200HO05801 BUTOISE BAHAMAS 0200HO05843 GEN-I-BEQ TOPSIDE 0200HO05740 LA PRESENTATION SWORD 0200HO05868 TWIN-SPRUCE FACEOFF For more a complete listing or more information on Health$mart™ sires or any of Semex’s growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit
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Semex Newest Repromax® Sires: High Fertility Without Genetic Sacrifice

Semex is pleased to introduce several new Holstein sires to its Repromax™ lineup following the April 2012 proof round. Semex Repromax™ sires are those sires that are both highly reliable and high fertility with no genetic sacrifices. Semex scientists have gathered SCR, ATA and Non-Return data to develop the world's first international fertility evaluation. Known as Repromax™ sires, these sires are Semex's highest-ranked fertility sires. These bulls improve the fertility performance of cows and increase your profitability, representing the best of the best, with no genetic sacrifices. With dozens of numbers to analyze and problems to solve in a day, dairymen are looking to simplify processes and find easy solutions to their dairy's problems. Semex’s Repromax™ sires are the answer to their fertility issues. Semex’s new Repromax™ sires are easily identified with the Repromax™ brand in all Semex materials and are listed below. These sires are included in ProMate™, Semex’s global custom selection index: 0200HO03606 ALLYNDALE-I ATTICUS 0200HO05801 BUTOISE BAHAMAS 0200JE00149 BRIDON VINCENT-ET 0200JE00447 LENCREST CAVALIA-ET For more a complete listing or more information on Repromax™ sires or any of Semex’s growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit
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Impressive Repromax® Results In Brazil

Dairymen worldwide need all the tools available to ensure reproductive efficiency in their herds during warmer months and year round. Semex's Repromax™ brand quickly identifies those Semex sires with above average semen fertility, and leading conception rates. Recent research results from field studies in Brazil clearly show the advantages of Repromax™ for conception rates in herds with reproductive challenges. The following study was carried out on nine dairy farms in the counties of Castro and Carambeí, State of Parana, Brazil, where high milk yields contribute to even greater reproductive challenges. The results speak for themselves: These impressive results only prove the seriousness, quality control and success of Semex semen and Repromax™. Do not miss the opportunity of using Repromax™ in your breeding program! For more information on Semex's Repromax™ line-up click here.
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