Semex Nyheder


Semex, an industry leader in global genetic solutions, announced today that Paul Larmer will step down from his position as Chief Executive Officer as part of Semex's succession plan, effective December 31, 2023, continuing in an advisory role through May 31, 2024. Semex's Board of Directors has appointed Matt McCready, current Chief Commercial Officer, to succeed Larmer as Chief Executive Officer, effective January 1, 2024.

"As difficult as it is to say goodbye to a career that I have loved, to a company that we have grown into a global leader, and especially to my Semex family, I know this is the right decision at the right time," says Larmer. "I am excited about what is next, spending more time with my family, and what the future holds for Semex and its people. I know that the best days for Semex are ahead!"

"For nearly 40 years and in every role, Paul has been a passionate advocate for the global genetics industry," said Semex Board of Directors President Phil MacLean. "As Semex's CEO for the past 17 years, Paul demonstrated his powerful ability to bring people together, build consensus, and accelerate change, while never losing sight of our people and clients. Since becoming our CEO Paul has significantly grown our global footprint, driven record revenues year after year, and provided substantial returns to our partner owners. While leading this growth, Paul has set the stage and capacity for Semex’s next phase of growth and profitability. On behalf of the Board and our partner owners, we are grateful to Paul and his family."

MacLean continued, "Knowing Paul’s intentions, our Board of Directors has been engaged in ongoing succession planning and today's announcement enables a smooth transition of the CEO role. Matt is an exceptional leader, and the Board and I believe he is the right person to guide Semex through its next chapter. Since joining Semex, Matt's strategic focus, ... Læs mere...


The North American industry has identified a new Holstein genetic defect, Calf Recumbency, where an otherwise healthy calf cannot stand and survive, either at birth or within its first few weeks of life. Though the origin animal has yet to be confirmed, the oldest known suspected carrier is the bull SOUTHWIND. The disorder has primarily been transmitted through the sires ROBUST and SUPERSIRE. An industry position paper has been released by the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB), Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) and the Holstein Association USA. Click here to read.     Semex worked diligently with industry researchers to help identify this genetic defect. Semex recognized the urgency of this matter and for corrective measures to be put in place quickly to reduce and eventually eliminate this mutation. In so doing, Semex has worked aggressively with our lab partner Neogen to test all our sires as listed below. This list will be updated as new bulls are tested or released to market.     This development demonstrates the industry’s ability to not only discover debilitating disorders but also activate world-leading genetic researchers that use a comprehensive genomic database to untangle a complex disorder and quickly develop a diagnostic tool that proficiently addresses the problem.     Genetic recessives such as BL, BY, CVM and HCD have been identified in the past. In all cases, the industry responded quickly by identifying carriers and providing breeders with the tools that effectively minimize these disorders in the population. Calf Recumbency will be no different.     The industry is working on coding/labeling and plans to develop a haplotype test that effectively identifies recumbency without needing the mutation test. Semex is currently making changes to its OptiMate™ mating program, enabling its clients to proficiently breed around recumbency and reduce its potential impact.     Semex’s genomic testing ... Læs mere...


Semex and Holstein Canada are pleased to announce their collaborative support of the 2023 Young Breeders School (YBS).

Held since 1999, YBS is an annual educational event designed to help train young people aged 13-25 regarding the Holstein breed. The three-day training includes courses on animal preparation, nutrition, judging, showmanship, marketing, genetic selection and leadership. Participants stay with families from the host region, fostering cultural understanding and life-long friendships. The event culminates with a multi-day competition in which participants put their learnings into practice, with awards given to top individuals for showmanship, conformation and country.  

This year’s event will be held in Battice, Belgium August 30-September 3.

Congratulations to the individuals who will be representing Canada at the 2023 YBS:

Grace Hughes, Atlantic Canada
Felix Lemire, Quebec
Kolton Crack, Quebec
Emma Finch, Ontario
Sarah Dean, Ontario
Ethan Nienhuis, Western Canada

These individuals were selected through their provinces' requirements based on individual merit, achievements and experience. If you are interested in applying for YBS in 2024, please contact your provincial Holstein branch.
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Showbox Sires LLC will be available exclusively from Select Sires and Semex

ENOSBURG, Vermont and RUDOLPH, Wisconsin, April 28, 2023 – Showbox Sires LLC, a new genetic venture backed by trusted industry leaders, will be collaborating with Select Sires and Semex to bring a high-type, show-focused sire development program to dairy breeders. The team at Showbox Sires includes Tim and Sharyn Abbott and Mike and Julie Duckett. Both couples have had tremendous success in the industry and have combined their experiences and sheer passion for genetics to launch this new venture. Showbox Sires will leverage the industry’s many tools, including genomic evaluations as well as pedigrees that are proven winners on the tanbark. At this time, Showbox Sires will offer elite Holstein and Red & White genetics with tentative plans to release the first sire in late 2023.

“Whether you want to improve your herd, compete at the county fair or exhibit a winner at national shows, Showbox Sires is built from families that have done just that! Our vision is to acquire and develop bulls to meet the needs of any passionate dairy breeder,” said Tim Abbott, Showbox Sires LLC. “The team at Showbox Sires is thrilled to work with two companies that have set the pace for high-type cattle through industry-leading genetics over the past several decades: Select Sires and Semex. We believe our thought process and goals are closely aligned, and we look forward to working with their teams to bring our product to this sector of the global market.”

Cooperative collaboration

All bulls from Showbox Sires will be branded with a single, unique NAAB identifier. While Select Sires and Semex are the program’s exclusive marketing and distribution channels, no individual sire will be marketed by both companies. Select Sires and Semex will house the sires assigned to their lineup and carry out collection, ... Læs mere...


I takt med at samfundets og politisk kritik i stigende grad fokuserer på landbruget, introducerer Semex en genetisk løsning, der kan reducere metan-udledningen med 20-30% i 2050.   ”Ligesom med Immunity+ ® har vi arbejdet sammen med videnskabsmænd fra agroindustrien for at finde en genetisk løsning til at reducere metan-emissioner,” siger Dr.Michael Lohuis, Vice President Research & Innovation hos Semex. ”I mere end fem år har de canadiske mælkeregistre, nu under Lactanet, har mere end 13 millioner mælke-mid-infrarøde (MIR) spektroskopidata. Mere end 700.000 MIR-data fra første laktation blev analyseret af Lactanet-genetikere for at forudsige metan-emissioner for mælkeregistrerede køer i hele Canada. Resultaterne viste, at man kan reducere metan-udledningen væsentligt med genetisk selektion.”   I april 2023 vil Lactanet offentliggøre avlsværdier for metaneffektivitet, som landmænd kan bruge til at reducere kvægets metan udledning markant. For genomiske tyre er det 70 % pålideligt, og det anslås, at emissionerne kan reduceres med 20 – 30 % i 2050 alene gennem genetisk selektion.   Semex’s Elevate ® - brugere modtager automatisk et metan-indeks over alle genomisk testede hunkønsdyr. Derudover vil et indeks være tilgængeligt for Semex Holstein tyre fra april. Dette giver malkekvægsbedrifter en klar genetisk løsning og en hurtigere overgang til en besætning med lavt metanindhold.   ”Metan er et globalt problem,” siger Drew Sloan, Semex Vice President for Corporate Development. ”Faktisk vedtager de fleste udviklingslande love, der sigter mod nul udledning af drivhusgasser i 2050. Denne nye egenskab er en gamechanger. Nu er det tid til genetisk at teste din besætning med Elevate, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at ... Læs mere...

Nyhed: Rumilife™ CAL24™ til en stærk start efter kælvning

Rumilife® CAL24™ hjælper med at optimere frugtbarhedsstatus på din bedrift   Det uventede calcium fald i blodet omkring kælvning er årsagen til udviklingen af klinisk, men især subklinisk mælkefeber. Kolde ører, lavt foderindtag og ikke i stand til at kunne rejse sig er de velkendte tegn på klinisk mælkefeber, som i gennemsnit forekommer hos omkring 5% af køerne på en gennemsnitlig bedrift. Den subkliniske form, som forekommer hos 70% af køerne, er derfor et langt større opmærksomhedspunkt. De økonomiske konsekvenser af (sub) klinisk mælkefeber kan derfor beløbe sig til mere end € 100, -* per ko.   CAL24™ bolus hjælper med at reducere dette. CAL24™ bidrager til at opretholde mælkeproduktionen gennem en god tilførsel af calcium og magnesium. I stedet for et kort calciumboost giver CAL24™ en langvarig effekt. CAL24™ er et unikt formuleret calciumprojekt til at opnå et godt calciumniveau hos malkekvæg. Unikt, fordi CAL24™ er det eneste bolus-produkt, der er tilstrækkeligt med kun én behandling. Du giver boluserne på samme tid, hvilket sparer dig for tid og arbejde med kun én behandling.   CAL24™ bolus indeholder tre typer calcium og sikrer derfor en hurtig og langvarig calciumabsoption. Det hurtigvirkende calciumchlorid absorberes med det samme. Calciumkarbonatet virker ved middel hastighed. Tilstedeværelsen af calmin sikrer faktisk en langvarig frigivelse af calcium i koens system. Rumilife® CAL24™ står for kondition og bedre foderoptagelse. Forskning har allerede vist, at køer, der allerede har kælvet, har 1 times ekstra æde-tid i ugen efter kælvning og 1 times ekstra liggetid i ugen efter kælvning.      Behandlingen med CAL24™ består af en ... Læs mere...


Guelph, Ontario, Canada – As social and political criticism increasingly focuses on agriculture, Semex is introducing a genetic solution that can reduce methane emissions 20-30% by 2050.

“Just like we did with Immunity+®, we've been working with industry scientists to find a genetic solution to reduce methane emissions,” says Dr Michael Lohuis, Semex Vice President Research & Innovation. “For over five years Canada's milk recording organizations, now under Lactanet, collected over 13 million milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy records. Over seven hundred thousand first lactation MIR records were analyzed by Lactanet geneticists in order to predict methane emissions for milk-recorded cows across Canada. The results showed that you can substantially reduce methane emissions with genetic selection.”

In April, Lactanet will publish Methane Efficiency breeding values producers can use to significantly reduce methane emissions in their herds. For genomic bulls, it is 70% reliable and genetic selection alone is estimated to reduce emissions 20-30% by 2050.

Semex’s global Elevate® users will automatically receive a methane index on all genomic tested females. Additionally, an index will be available on Semex Holstein sires beginning in April. This gives dairies a clear-cut genetic solution and a faster conversion to a lower methane herd.

"Methane is a global enemy," says Drew Sloan, Semex Vice President Corporate Development. "In fact, most developing nations are adopting laws targeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This new trait is a game changer. The time is now to genomically test your herd with Elevate, giving you the power to assess, monitor and reduce methane in your herd!"
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Avlsværdital august 2022: Highlights!

Vi har lavet en opsummering af de nye avlsværdital på LPI og TPI-basis.   LPI Canada highlights (brugstyre) #1 Westcoast Alcove: forbliver den udtalte nummer 1 med 1.746 døtre i Canada: 3.795 LPI, 2.649 kg mælk, 153 kg fedt med +0,40%, 103 kg protein med +0,10% og 9 eksteriør. #4 Boldi v Gymnast: fortsætter sit høje niveau med 3612 LPI. #6 Pine-Tree-I Pursuit: første rigtige avlsværdi i Canada med 3.574 LPI.  #8 Satantons Alligator: nu med mere end 1.000 døtre i Canada og forbliver høj med 3.501 LPI og +14 eksteriør. Andre interessante høje LPI-tyre Melarry Fuel: 3381 LPI med 1.990 kg mælk og + 11 eksteriør Wilder Mark *RF: 3.337 LPI Westcoast Randall: 3.323 LPI Westcoast Yamaska: 3.304 LPI Progenesis Positive: 3.258 LPI Top eksteriør i Canada (brugstyre) #1 Walnutlawn Sidekick: +16 #2 Stantons Alligator: +14 #2 OH-River-Syc Crushabull: +14 #1 Yvertyr: Claynook Dealmaker : +14   TPI USA Highlights (brugstyre) Pine-Tree-I Pursuit: 2.917 TPI og 6,5 holdbarhed Progenesis Giunness: 2.958 TPI og højeste Semex tyr Silveridge Einstein: 2.839 TPI med 1.182 kg mælk og 5,2 holdbarhed Siemers Darwin: 2.800 TPI Sandy Valley Challenger: 2.791 TPI Sandy Valley Batman: 2.786 TPI
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Ten years ago Semex released the best brand for health selection in dairy cattle genetics and now, we’re releasing the next generation of Immunity+ with August genetic evaluations!   “We’ve taken Immunity and brought it to a whole new level, with a full proof and a unique approach, that makes it hands down the most effective means to make gains in animal health,” says Jay Shannon, Vice President Semex Solutions and Marketing.   Over the past 10 years dairymen worldwide have seen the real advantages of using Immunity+ sires. It is highly heritable, has a huge economic impact, provides for higher quality colostrum and daughters are shown to have 29% less disease.   Now, all Semex sires will receive an index for Immunity and Calf Immunity, making it even easier to make health selection. The ‘next generation’ of Immunity+ optimally combines Immune Response (Antibody Mediated Immune Response, Cell Mediated Immune Response and Nitric Oxide), as well as a composite of publicly available disease traits sourced from CDCB, Lactanet and Zoetis. This ensures resulting animals can both mount a strong overall immune response, but also be able to recognize the specific pathogens that cause the costliest diseases on dairies.   The index has a mean of 100, and a standard deviation of 5, with proofs generally ranging from 85-115. Immunity+ bulls will be designated as being superior transmitters of high immune response if they have an Immunity Index >= 105 and a Calf Immunity Index >= 100. Additionally, dairymen taking advantage of Semex’s Elevate® genomic testing program will receive two indexes on all tested females, Immunity Index and Calf Immunity Index. These replace the former H(high)-A(average)-L(low) letter codes that were published on tested females.   For additional information on Immunity+ and Semex please visit
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Interview med Semex Danmark i Dansk Holstein

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