Semex Nyheder

Lindenright Megawatt: Den perfekte kombination mellem høj genetik og en enestående kofamilie

Megawatt er en helt særlig tyr, som har en afstamning, der vil få munden til at løbe i vand hos personer med passion for avl. Hans far er Enforcer, den højeste og super populære søn fra Canadas nummer ét tyr, Facebook. På morens side går Kofamilien tilbage til den fænomenale Goldwyn datter som Eastside Lewisdale Missy producerede. Derved har Megawatt ønskværdige tal for produktion, eksteriør og alle funktionelle egenskaber, hvilket gør ham til en meget eftertragtet tyr på det globale marked. 

Lindenright Bradnick Moovin On (VG 87), Mor til Megawatt

Moren til Megawatt er Lindenright Bradnick Moovin On (VG 87 2jr), er en af de allerbedste Bradnick døtre i verden, som via en Goldwyn og en Dundee går tilbage til Stacadona Outside Abel, den hæderkronede mor til Missy. Denne kombination af enestående afstamning og fantastiske genomiske tal betyder, at Megawatt står på ønskesedlen hos mange. Han avler rigelig mælk med gode procenter, dette kombineret med super tal på eksteriør (+18 total). Specielt tallene for lemmerne er iøjefaldende: så høj en score for klovhældning, bagbenenes placering, hasevinkel og knoglebygning findes der i øjeblikket ikke hos andre tyre. Også malkeorganerne er på topniveau ligesom krydsrammen og det hældende kryds er ideel. Megawatts døtre forventes at leve et langt liv (holdbarhed 115), kælver uden problemer og bliver hurtig drægtig igen. Er dette ikke hvad alle ønsker?

Megawatt er snart til rådighed(Begrænset mængde), og kan allerede nu bestilles.
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Sexxed: Betegnelsen for kønssorteres sæd

Sexxed er navnet for de kønssorterede strå som Semex tilbyder på det globale marked. Brugen af kønssorteret sæd har allerede været på markedet en årrække, men de sidste par år har vi oplevet en stigende interesse. Også i vores land er efterspørgslen stigende, flere og flere dyr (især kvier) insemineres med ”Sexxed” sæd fra Semex. Resultatet ved brugen af kønssorteret sæd er afhængig af flere faktorer. Den vigtigste faktor er uden tvivl kvaliteten af det anvendte strå. Hermed menes både sædkvaliteten samt kvaliteten i genetikken. Hos Semex opfyldes begge disse kriterier af følgende grunde: - Sædkvalitet: Hos Semex anvendes den allernyeste teknologi til at kønssortere sæd., dette betyder at alle strå er ” Sexxed ultra”. De er lavet med den bedst mulige teknologi der findes. Resultaterne er derved også fantastiske, og mange kunder fortæller at de næsten ikke oplever forskel på almindelig og kønssorteret sæd. Delorme Brawler Joyala (EX90), allroundtyr Brawler er tilgængelig som kønssorteret! - Kvaliteten hos tyrene: Hos Semex bliver et antal toptyre kønssorteret. Tyre som Fever, Brawler, Sid og Superpower. Også i Genomax afdelingen er det muligt af få toptyre kønssorteret. Tyre som; Gillette Speaker, Riter Euphoric og Donnandale Juggernaut Ryan Vu Sid en datter af eksteriørspecialisten Pine Tree Sid: Er snart tilgængelig som kønssorteret! Toptyre er kønssorteret tilgængelige hos Semex: Spørg efter dem hos din salgsrådgiver.
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Immunity+ tilbud

Komme hele marts måned vores Immunity+ tilbud.
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Roy G. Snyder, Father of A.I., Passes Away

It is with heavy hearts that Semex announces the passing of one of our founding fathers, Roy G. Snyder.

Commonly referred to as the ‘Father of A.I.,’ Roy’s life story is a testament to the modern dairy industry. Born in 1915 and raised on a dairy farm in Waterloo, Ontario, Roy’s experiences with dairy cattle breeding were his life’s passion and remain unmatched in our industry. Roy served A.I. in nearly every capacity possible, from technician to AI centre manager, as well as chairman of several influential associations including Chairman of the Semen Marketing Committee and Secretary-Manager of the Ontario Association of Animal Breeders.

Through this work, Roy saw the Canadian and global A.I. industry’s potential. After the first export of frozen semen to be flown overseas from Canada to Germany’s University of Munich was made in 1959, Roy followed up with a visit in 1964. He wanted to see these daughters for himself, and reported that their milk production far exceeded the herd average.

As frozen semen exports grew so did Roy’s involvement, overseeing the doubling of exports each year as he became more involved in promotion. This work culminated in one event that would change the A.I. industry’s global landscape, the formation of Semex’s precursor Semex Canada. In his book, Fifty Years of Artificial Insemination in Canada 1934-1984, Roy stated, “One noteworthy day in my career was May 8, 1974, when Semex Canada became a reality.”

“Roy Snyder was a pioneer, and we are all better for having his influence and vision. He is the forefather of Semex and at 99 years of age, Roy continued to take great interest in Semex’s success,” says Paul Larmer, Semex Chief Executive Officer. “Our work today continues to reflect his integrity and his vision for a growing global presence.”    
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Tyre januar 2015

Tyre januar 2015
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Immunity+ avl på sygdomsresistens

Semex’s eksklusive og patenterede Immunity+ tyre har af natur
et stærkere immunforsvar. Ved at bruge disse tyre, kan du
forbedre den almene sundhed og holdbarhed i din besætning.
Fordelen ved den høje immun respons er utallige; sundere og
stærkere dyr som:

• Producerer bedre råmælk
• Reagerer bedre på vacciner
• Har færre sygedage

Hvad der gør Immunity+ ekstra interessant er, at arveligheden
er rigtig høj, dermed videregives den naturlige sygdomsresistens
til efterkommerne og de næste generationer.

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Genomax Lineup Grows With New Supersire Son

Genomic testing over 6000 young sires worldwide nets impressive results for Semex’s industry-leading Genomax™ lineup. Designed to deliver a consistent source of the world’s leading genomic young sires, this program is home to some of the world’s most famous and profitable genomic young sires, including the international sensation 0200HO06480 Val-Bisson Doorman and breed-leading progeny proven sires such as Facebook and Numero Uno. Available now worldwide through this lineup is another outstanding individual bred to deliver profitable production, 0200HO07846 RH Superman (Supersire x Man-O-Man). A HealthSmart™ and Robot Ready™ sire, Superman is one of Supersire’s top sons, ranking as his #7 GTPI son at +2589 with breed-leading +95 PTAF and an extreme +807 NM$. Semex clients will appreciate he ranks as our #1 Supersire, NM$ and PTAF sire with an impressive 162 lbs combined Fat and Protein. Like all Semex sires, Superman hails from an outstanding maternal line. His dam is a VG-85 Man-O-Man from Willsbro Baxter Pammy VG-87 and then Windy-Knoll-View Pammy the EX-95 Durham from the famous brood cow EX-95 Promis who has 19 Excellent daughters, was the dam of the 2008 All-American Produce, Nominated Global Cow of the Year in 2007 and has numerous sons in AI. Ask your Semex representative today about Superman or any of Semex’s leading genomic young sires in the Genomax lineup today! For additional information on Semex, Genetics for Life, Genomax, HealthSmart, Robot Ready or any of Semex’s products or services visit
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Top-Notch Stanton Bulls Join Genomax Program

Semex is pleased to announce that two world-renown genomic sires, Stantons Capital Gain and Stantons High Octane, will join Semex's Genomax™ program in 2015.

Progressive dairymen worldwide count on Semex's Genomax lineup to provide a consistent source of the world's leading genomic young sires. This program is home to some of the world's most famous and profitable genomic young sires, including the international sensation 0200HO06480 Val-Bisson Doorman and breed-leading progeny proven sires such as Facebook and Numero Uno.

"Acquiring these two young bulls underscores our commitment to being the world's leading genetic supplier," says Brad Sayles, Semex Vice-President Global Marketing. "Providing our clients with these industry-leading type and milk McCutchen sons both deepens and compliments our lineup. Very shortly dairymen worldwide will have easy access to both of these sires, putting them to work in their herds, improving their genetic gain and increasing profitability." 

Available worldwide beginning January 1 and March 1 in Canada, both Capital Gain and High Octane offer breed-leading type with high NM$ and high GTPI rankings, and they're from one of the industry's most prolific families... The Chassitys! Their dam is the VG-87 Observer from Chassity the EX-92 GMD DOM 14* Shottle who is the dam of popular sires including Colt 45, Charlie and Gold Chip. Next dam EX-92-2E GMD DOM 6* Cinderella and then the famous Barbie EX-92 GMD DOM 6*.

Sired by the popular McCutchen, Capital Gain has the highest combined PTAT and PTAM figures for any McCutchen son at +3.03 PTAT and +1854 PTAM with a high +2468 GTPI and +121 CFP. Full brother High Octane is McCutchen's #1 PTAT and #1 UDC sire at +3.24 with a +3.13 UDC, low SCS and +2445 GTPI. Looking at McCutchen sons at Semex, Capital Gain is #4 GTPI while High Octane is the #1 PTAT, #1 Conf (+20), #1 UDC and #1 Mammary System (+20) McCutchen son to ... Læs mere...

Semex's Genomax Success Continues With December Evaluations

With the December genetic evaluation, Semex is more confident than ever that our programs offer our clients everywhere what they’re looking for through our lineup of newly released daughter proven sires, high reliability sires and the very youngest and brightest genomic superstars. Semex highlights include the industry’s first Genomic Giant, 0200HO7450 Amighetti Numero Uno (Man-O-Man x Shottle x Iron) receiving his first official proof, ranking him as the #6 TPI sire! He’s in good company at the top of the list, joining 0200HO03753 Marbri Facebook (#4 TPI and #1 LPI sire), 0200HO02698 Misty Springs Supersonic (Superstition x Shottle Satin x Sizzle) graduating at #13 TPI and Millionaire Sire 0200HO00402 Mainstream Manifold in the top 20 GTPI sires in the world. Genomax™: Led by household names including 0200HO06480 Val-Bisson Doorman and the program’s most famous graduates to date, Facebook and Numero Uno, our rigorous selection standards ensure that Semex’s Genomax sires are the industry’s finest, most desirable and profitable young bulls available anywhere: 0200AY00775    DES FLEURS PATRIOTE 0200AY00785    LAGACE MONDIAL 0200AY00732    LAGACE MORDICUS 0200AY00777    LAROC EQUINOX 0200HO10213   ANDREANE PARTISAN 0200HO10145   BENNER JAZZNIGHT 0200HO06641   BLONDIN CASHBACK 0200HO02946   BUTZ-HILL MULTIPLIER 0200HO02984   CLAYNOOK DARNELL 0200HO10158   CLAYNOOK DEDUCTION 0200HO02986   CLAYNOOK DICTION 0200HO10239   CLEAR-ECHO DISPATCH 0200HO06656   COMESTAR SIMPLE PLAN 0200HO10016   CRACKHOLM LEJEUNE ACDC 0200HO10159   DALMENY LATHER 0200HO10148   DE-SU FIREWALL 0200HO10150   DE-SU FLAMINGO 0200HO07831   DG CALANDO 0200HO07842   EBA GENTLE 0200HO10198   EDG CONSTABLE 0200HO10031   EDG ... Læs mere...


New technologies are always coming along that claim a host of benefits. Seldom, however, do such technologies deliver on or surpass their original claims. Immunity+ is a special innovation that does indeed meet or exceed original expectations. And, with a 25% heritability, Immunity+ sires can help improve a herdÂ’s overall health and longevity. Based on the HIR technology developed by Dr. Bonnie Mallard and her colleagues at the University of Guelph, the research surrounding this technology spans decades. It shows that HIR cows have 19-30% lower disease incidence compared to herd averages. These cows also respond better to commercial vaccines and produce higher quality colostrum. As a result, they are more profitable by bringing in more revenue, lowering costs and wasting less of the dairymanÂ’s time. And, most importantly, Immunity+ works. “There is a lot of on-going research in the immune response field, and in each case, the findings further validate the many benefits of Immunity+,” says Jay Shannon, Semex Global Dairy Solutions Manager. “High immune response technology and Immunity+ sires have shown their potential to be one of the most significant innovations in the genetics industry, having a profound effect on a dairyÂ’s strategy to improve overall animal health.” Joining the proven Immunity+ lineup following the December 2014 genetic evaluation are: 0200HO07450    AMIGHETTI NUMERO UNO ... MAN-O-MAN x SHOTTLE 0200HO07443    ANDERSTUP JUTLAND ... PLANET x SHOTTLE 0200HO02712    BROOKVIEW SUPERFREAK ... SUPER x SHOTTLE 0200HO02673    HOWARD-VIEW LAUTITUDE ... MAN-O-MAN x GOLDWYN 0200HO02654    MISTY SPRINGS BRACKLEY ... MAN-O-MAN x WILDMAN 0200HO02699    MISTY SPRINGS SPEECH ... SUPER x SHOTTLE 0200HO02698    MISTY SPRINGS SUPERSONIC ... SUPER x SHOTTLE 0200HO06303    PELLERAT DVD ... MAN-O-MAN x GOLDWYN 0200HO02704    REGANCREST LERO ... SUPER x ELEGANT 0200HO02633    SANDY-VALLEY ... Læs mere...