Semex Nyheder


Semex announces today that the company’s Chief Financial Officer, Vince Bosquet, will retire effective June 30, 2016, bringing to a close 25 remarkable years of service to Semex and our partners. Bosquet’s contribution to Semex began as General Manager of Eastern Breeders Inc (EBI) where he worked closely with the General Managers of Westgen, CIAQ and Gencor to form the Semex Alliance in 1997. Ten years later, he joined Semex as the Chief Financial Officer, leading the financial reporting team, the information technology department, and also serving as Vice President Corporate Affairs. “Vince was integrally involved in expanding our global footprint,” says Paul Larmer, Semex Chief Executive Officer. “He has always thought of Semex first, and has been a support to not only me personally, but also our Board of Directors. Vince’s greatest asset has always been his open, direct and bilingual communication. This, along with his great sense of humour, quickly and easily made him a key resource to the entire Semex organization.” During his tenure, Semex experienced unprecedented sales growth, with an expanded presence in both the global marketplace and emerging markets, changing the traditional business model. Key to his success, Vince had a deep understanding of the entire Semex organization, considering the supply chain, marketplace and the future in his analysis. “To grow, you have to invest,” reflects Bosquet. “The challenge was to invest wisely, thinking long-term, considering risks and opportunities. Second, you need the resources for the investment and really this is only a ‘cost’ if it’s not successful. I’ve always thought it was as important to decide what not to do, as what to do.” Semex appointed Robert McRae to the role of Chief Financial Officer, effective April 1, 2016, allowing for a complete and thorough transition of responsibilities. Robert joined Semex in August 2011, as Vice President, Global Operations, to lead the newly formed Operations ... Læs mere...

Semex's Steven Larmer Completes PhD In Animal Science

Semex would like to congratulate Global Dairy Solutions Coordinator Steven Larmer on completing his PhD in Animal Science with a focus on dairy cattle breeding and genomics. As a valued addition to the Semex Genetic Solutions Team in October 2015, Dr. Larmer will be instrumental in the development of new genetic tools and as the technical lead of our exclusive Immunity+™ technology. He will also play an important role in our global genetic education program and will work closely with Semex's genetic strategy and research initiatives.

Steven is no stranger to the dairy industry from his involvement in his family farm, Vintage Land and Cattle Ltd in Ontario. Following his passion in his educational studies, Steven attended the University of Guelph completing his BSc in animal biology and his MSc in animal science. As his interest in research and genetics advanced, Steven pursued and completed his PhD on the next generation of genomic technology for dairy cattle selection.
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Jersey tyre katalog april 2016

Jersey tyre katalog april 2016.

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Tyre katalog april 2016

Tyre katalog april 2016. 
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Avslværdital April 2016

Tyrenes nye avlsværdital blev rigtig gode hos Semex tyrene, med ny nyttig viden, og en bekræftelse af de allerede eksisterende avlsværditallene hos en række toptyre i såvel  Canada som USA. Semex fortsætter dermed deres stærke setup af afprøvede tyre, og er KILDEN til de bedste genomiske tyre i verden!

LPI Highlights:

5 tyre i top 10, 10 i top 20 og 41 i top 100
#1 Semex tyr LPI: VAL BIsson Doorman, nu med 545 døtre, 3106 LPI og 19 eksteriør (Nr. 1 i Canada)
#2 Semex tyr LPI: Chartroise Smurf, nu med 150 ender han på 2500 kg mælk, +13 eksteriør med 11 for malkeorganer og + 12 for lemmer
#2 nytilkomne for LPI: JK-Eder-I-Control, fantastiske tal med +18 eksteriør (#2 efter Doorman)
Sandy Valley Saloon, stiger til 2742 kg mælk med 101 kg fedt og 96 kg protein, nu med 650 døtre.
Pinkman fastholder sine gode tal
Impression døtre bliver ved med at imponere
Jersey Highlight: Højeste nytilkomne er Guimo Joel, og han er desuden #1 eksteriør tyr (+15)

TPI Highlights:

#TPI tyr er Sandy Valley Saloon. Super gode tal, 2618 TPI med 2553 mælk og 2.70 PTAT
#2 Semex TPI tyr er Sully Hart Meridian. Han har nu 800 døtre og ligger på 2477 TPI med 2169 mælk og 3,15 PTAT
Val Bisson Doorman har 400 døtre med en fantastisk score for eksteriør på 3,32 PTAT, og er dermed den højeste eksteriør tyr inden for top 200 TPI
OH-River-Byway forbliver den højeste genomiske eksteriørtyr i verden med 3,86 PTAT

Semex er Genetics for Life, og tilbyder kunder over hele verden den bedste genetik i både LPI og TPI. Også de økonomiske aspekter såsom Net Merit, Pro$, fødselsindeks, holdbarhed, og hunlig frugtbarhed er noget vi prioriterer højt. Ved at kombinere det med Immunity+ kan du opnå den højeste garanti ... Læs mere...

Semex's Immunity+: Best Option To Improve Herd Health

Like no other product on the market, Immunity+ with its 30% heritability, distinguishes Semex as the genetic company of choice for dairymen worldwide. “Our clients want the very best options to improve their herds’ health,” says Paul Krueger, Semex Immunity+ Global Brand Manager. “Without a doubt, Immunity+ is their best option. It’s 30% heritable and is the only full-body solution for herd health that begins at birth.” At the heart of this technology is more than 20 years of research and over 100 published papers in scientific journals on immunogenetics and the many associated health benefits. Immune response selection is highly effective, because it’s 30% heritable. Each generation bred to an Immunity+ sire is expected to reduce disease incidence by at least 4-8% and these offspring produce higher quality colostrum with more antibodies and have a greater response to commercial vaccines. In April 2016 Semex has: 56 Genomax Immunity+ bulls over +2400 GTPI 27 Genomax Immunity+ bulls over +2500 GTPI 6 Genomax Immunity+ bulls over +2600 GTPI Three new Jersey Immunity+ bulls: 0200JE01039 Sun Valley Jive                    0200JE01044 Faria Brothers Matic 0200JE01047 Faria Brothers Courtois  For more information on Semex, Genetics for Life, Immunity+, Genomax sires or any of Semex’s brands visit: 
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Semex Genomax Program Continues Graduating Profitable Sires

Sourcing the world’s best genetics worldwide for Semex’s leading Genomax™ program is netting impressive results. Dairymen everywhere appreciate sires that will offer profitable, long-lasting and reliable results. The April genetic evaluation solidified these efforts and ensures our clients have the very best genetic portfolio to choose from.   

December graduate 0200HO02792 Sandy-Valley Saloon, added over 400 daughters to his proof and rose to the #2 High Ranking Sire position. His figures rose to +2553 PTAM, +2.70 PTAT and +2618 GTPI, making him the highest PTAT sire in the top 10 and the highest PTAM bull in the top 40. This A2A2 sire is also the #1 sire in Italy and one of the most demanded A2A2 sires worldwide
Genomax star 0200HO06480 Val-Bisson Doorman graduated in Canada as the #2 LPI sire at +3106 and the #1 Conf sire at +19. This Immunity+™, Calving Ease™, ShowTime™ and A2A2 sire is also the #5 PTAT proven sire at +3.32
ShowTime sire 0200HO03829 JK Eder-I Control joined Doorman at the top of the Canadian Conf rankings as the #2 Conf sire at +18, and as the #19 LPI sire overall at +2915 with impressive +13 MS, +14 F&L, +108 HL and 2.63 SCS
The 200JE code graduated the #1 newly proven GLPI sire with the popular 0200JE00384 Guimo Joel. Joel is an Immunity+, Repromax, ShowTime and A2A2 sire that is also Canada's #1 Conf bull and ranks in the top 10 for Pro$!

Never stronger, our Genomax lineup has over 300 active Holstein sires including 182 over +2400 GTPI, 103 over +2500 GTPI as well as impressive averages of +581 NM$, +4.4 PL from 85 different sires and 65+ maternal grandsires!

Topping this list:

0200HO10586 De-Su Fedex: #1 Lottomax son at +2681 GTPI with 94 Fat, $858 NM$, +7.7 PL with leading $1118 DWP$. This Immunity+ and HealthSmart sire’s dam is VG-85 Mogul x VG-86 Domain x Sully Planet Montana EX-91 x nine more VG or EX dams.
0200HO10442 Sandy-Valley Afterburner: #1 ... Læs mere...

Alt om A2 mælk

Har du lagt mærke til at Semex har tyre på listen, som er varemærket med A2. Det er vidst på tide at oplyse hvad dette præcist indebærer. A2 mælk kan forklares med at en slags trend hos forbrugerne. Forbrugerne er stadig på jagt efter sundere måder at spise og drikke på, og det tyder på at der kommer mere efterspørgsel på A2 mælk fremfor ”almindelig” A1 mælk. I Australien og New Zealand har de i årevis drukket A2 mælk, og sidste år var det også fuldt ud tilgængeligt i USA. Selvom det ikke er daglig kost i Danmark endnu, er der chance for at dette produkt vil opstå, som et resultat af efterspørgsel. Herunder kan du læse hvad A2 mælk er, hvilke fordele herved, samt hvilke avlsmuligheder der ligger heri. Hvad er A2 mælk? Kort sagt kan det siges at A2 mælk kommer fra køer med to eksemplarer af A2 genet fra beta-caseïne. Det kræver nok lidt nærmere forklaring. Komælk består ca. af 87 % vand. De øvrige 13 % er en kombination af laktose, protein, fedt og mineraler. Det er de fast stoffer i mælken. Hvis vi retter os mod proteiner i mælken, er den vigtigste komponent protein caseïne. Ca 30 % fra denne caseïne kaldes beta caseïne. De 2 oftest forekommende varianter af beta caseïne gener er A1 og A2. Hver ko har en af følgende kombinationer. A1A1, A1A2 eller A2A2. Hvad er fordelen ved A2 mælk. Forskere mener, at A2 er en mere naturlig variant af beta caseïne, fordi der for år tilbage nærmest kun var A2 mælk. A1 er resultatet af en naturlig genetisk mutation. Årsagen hertil skyldes måden hvorpå man driver landbrug i dag. Med det i tankerne har man undersøgt om mennesker fordøjer og optager A2 mælk anderledes end A1 mælk. Studier har påvist at ... Læs mere...

Agro Nord

Om en uge er der igen Agro Nord i Aars!

Glæder du dig også til denne dag? Se gode køer og blive opdateret på den nye udvikling og de nye produkter.

Du vil være hjertelig velkommen til at besøge os på Semex standen(213). Vores alvsrådgivere vil med stor glæde fortælle dig om de mange muligheder, som Semex kan tilbyde. Derudover kan du se døtre fra forskellige Semex tyre.

Vi ses den 8. marts


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Working shoulder-to-shoulder with our clients worldwide, Semex is committed to finding synergistic relationships and offering genetic solutions based on our clients’ needs. Semex and Zoetis both believe in putting clients first, and this shared philosophy is at the heart of providing Zoetis’ Dairy Wellness Profit Index™ (DWP$™) to Semex clients. “Zoetis’ new Dairy Wellness Profit Index is another tool we’re pleased to offer Semex clients,” says Paul Krueger, Semex Immunity+ Global Brand Manager and Director, Sales and Business Development, United States. “We firmly believe in putting our clients’ needs first, and offering them the very best genetic solutions. Adding DWP$ to our lineup alongside NM$, GTPI and other profit indexes offers our clients additional information in their decision making process. This, along with having the world’s only immune genetics available with nearly 150 Immunity+™ sires, ensures Semex has the most complete and superior genetic portfolio available worldwide.” DWP$ was developed from Zoetis’ CLARIFIDE® Plus results and is a multi-trait selection index that includes production, fertility, type, longevity, wellness traits and polled results, allowing producers to use corrective matings to improve herd health. Exclusive to Semex, Immunity+ is based on 20 years of research, over 100 published papers and is 30% heritable. And, it’s the sole, full-body solution to herd health for both viral and bacterial diseases. “Our clients are looking for and deserve the best options to improve herd health,” says Krueger. “At 30% heritability, using Immunity+ is one of the easiest decisions you can make to improve the health of your entire herd, starting at birth and continuing generation after generation. Putting our clients first and providing the best information possible is what makes Semex different. And, although disease traits often have lower heritability, we simply believe more information is ... Læs mere...