Semex and Boviteq, are excited to announce a partnership started in the Fall of 2021 with world-renown breeders Ferme Jacobs of Cap-Santé, Quebec.
Ferme Jacobs is shifting much of their milk production herd to a state-of-the-art robotic facility for 300+ cows. Being focused on genetic improvement, Semex and Boviteq are pleased to team up with them, utilizing Semex solutions such as Elevate® genomic testing and IVF services from Boviteq. Together, we’re developing a genetic strategy that maximizes genetic gain, producing elite male and female calves, as well as overall herd genetic improvement to meet their future growth strategies.
“We are so pleased to be working more closely with Ferme Jacobs,” said Brad Sayles, Semex Chief Operating Officer. “They’re working hard to invest in their breeding program to not only develop their famous show herd, but also to develop productive, healthy cows that work well in modern management environments. They’re extremely passionate breeders, and excellent ambassadors for the dairy industry, so assisting them in their genetic strategy to reach these goals is certainly an opportunity we’re excited about. Thierry Laberge, Product Development Specialist as well as Semex’s entire genetic team and Pier-Olivier Lehoux, Ciaq Consulting Representative who will work with them to establish objectives, utilizing Semex sires to produce bulls for Semex and elite females for themselves.”
“Additionally, they will be utilizing Boviteq’s world-leading embryo production platform and IVF technologies to maximize embryo production and reproductive performance,” says Sayles.