Semex Nyheder

Semex's Monument Impression Passes Away

Semex is saddened to announce that global superstar 0200HO00560 Monument Impression has passed away.


Outcross sire, Impression arrived with a progeny proof in April 2013 as Semex's #1 new release sire. Six years later, his demand has never waned with sales to every corner of the Earth including Canada, the US, Germany, France, and Japan.


As one of the flagship Immunity+® sires, Impression's appeal knew no bounds! He was globally demanded because he sired healthy, long-lasting, profitable cows and ranked as the top sire of calves registered in Canada in 2016!


"His daughters were the kind that could virtually go unnoticed in herds," says Brad Sayles, Semex Chief Operating Officer. "That's why producers continued to use him again and again. Impressions do not get sick and just do their jobs day in and day out, just like we expect Immunity+ sires to do. Dairymen everywhere tell us they are their favorites because they're functional and easy to work with. Based on his 82% Good Plus and better rating on over 12,000 cows scored in Canada, we can definitely say they were appealing and will remain in herds for many, many lactations."


A 99% reliability sire, Impression's maternal line is dominated by the most popular sires of modern times including Durham, Lee and Bellwood, with his five closest dams being VG or EX. Impressions everywhere have been the beneficiary of his pedigree, as he's maintained solid type figures throughout his career, posting a +12 Conf and +2.02 PTAT in December 2019.


A limited amount of Impression semen remains. For more information on Impression, Semex or of its suite of solutions visit