Semex Nyheder

Semex's Lineup Designed To Crush Disease

The Semex lineup is truly designed to 'Crush Disease' with the addition of four Jersey and 29 Holstein Immunity+® sires in the December 2019 genetic evaluation. These additions have driven the active Immunity+ lineup to 245 sires!
Exclusive to Semex, Immunity+ is the only proven genetic solution that improves herd health with the first generation, compounding with each subsequent generation.
"Dairymen everywhere are serious about herd health," says Drew Sloan, Semex Vice President, International Sales. "Financial and social pressures are driving clients everywhere to look for a genetic solution. And, they're making health a primary selection goal. Our Immunity+ lineup is the only proven way to improve the strength of an animals' immune system and reduce disease and antibiotic usage. We're literally helping clients everywhere 'Crush Disease'."

"We've found that the environment doesn't really matter too much," says Dr Steven Larmer, Semex Senior Manager, Genomics Program. "When it comes to Immunity+, we see the same kind of results in dairies all around the world. We consistently see less mastitis, less mortality and less lameness. And, those are important economic drivers."

Leading the Immunity+ Holstein lineup in December is the new #19 GTPI sire, 0200HO10693 Siemers Bloomfield, at +2698 GTPI. He is the only bull in Holstein Association USA's Top 100 International Bulls' Top 20 listing, offering disease resistant genetics! A Delta x Numero Uno x Bombi, Bloomfield delivers +878 NM$, +1021 DWP$, +106 PTAF, +5.9 PL, +2.40 DPR with solid +2.24 PTAT.

Impressively, many of our top 10 LPI proven sires are also Immunity+® sires. The newest to the list is #9 LPI 0200HO10661 Stantons Adagio-P, making him the #1 New LPI Immunity+ sire! A Powerball-P x McCutchen x the Elly Mae family is +3381 GLPI and delivers impressive mammary systems, that are shallow with excellent quality and strong attachments. With over 200 daughters classified in Canada, he has a high reliability first proof. Click here for the Adagio video!

Globally, we're impressed that the #1 RZG Holstein Immunity+ sire is 0200HO11189 Westcoast Soundcloud and the #1 RZG Red Holstein Immunity+ sire is 0200HO11091 Westcoast Swingman-Red!

No health lineup would be complete without Jersey and Ayrshire sires. Semex is proud to add four Jersey Immunity+ sires to the lineup now totaling 53, and is home to the #1 LPI Ayrshire bull who is also Immunity+, with 0200AY01035 Des Fleurs Parrain at +3122 LPI.