Semex Nyheder

The #takehomebrenda Winner Is...

Nearly 900 US dairymen from coast to coast entered in Semex’s #takehomebrenda draw for a high GTPI Immunity+ sired daughter while at World Dairy Expo (WDE). Sired by 0200HO06639 Stantons Pulsar, give-away calf Pulsar Brenda is +2569 GTPI, ranking her in the top 1% of the breed.

Dean Meinholz of Blue Star Dairy Farms, DeForest, Wisconsin is the winner of Pulsar Brenda. Blue Star Dairy is home to 2500 cows on three locations, has over 4000 acres of land and averages over 90 lbs milk/cow/day. Family owned and operated for several generations, is a family partnership on three locations north of Madison, Wisconsin. The original dairy in Middleton milks 470 cows and raises its own replacement heifers. The DeForest farm milks 800 cows and the Arlington farm milks 1200 cows. Congratulations to the Meinholz family!

“We’re excited that Pulsar Brenda is going to such a great home. Blue Star is a modern, family operation that raises their own replacements and knows the value of healthy calves and heifers,” says Paul Krueger, Immunity+ Global Brand Manager and Director, Sales and Business Development, United States. “At World Dairy Expo people were eager to not only register for the calf, but to find out what kind of economic impact Immunity+ can have on their own herd. It’s a completely unique trait and at 30% heritability, it’s an easy decision to use. Our customers are telling us that in both their milking in heifer herds they’re seeing less mortality, diseases, lameness and more. Immunity+ is making a difference.”

Semex thanks all those who visited the Semex Tent and WDE and entered to win. If you would like to find out more about Immunity+ or any of Semex’s suite of solutions, ask your Semex Representative or visit