Semex Nyheder

Semex Beef®: Feeding The World

The one constant in the beef world is change. The other, is that our market is a global market. In order to meet these changes and feed a growing world, nontraditional beef markets must grow and develop their own beef industry. And, in order for them to provide themselves with a consistent, high quality red meat product, we’re spending time with them. We’re listening to what they’re saying,
learning from them and working hard to provide them with the resources they need to be successful.

This change has dictated change in our Semex Beef program, and in just 10 years our program has come a long way. In 2003 we were sourcing genetics for just six breeds from only two countries. Fast forward 10 years, and we’re sourcing genetics from 14 countries, produced on five continents for 25 breeds! Our goal, however, remains the same… Provide the highest quality beef genetics to meet our clients’ needs worldwide.

Russian Albeef Project
In 2013, we began a pilot project in Russia’s Lipetsk Region known as the AlBeef Project. This project utilizes the Beef Solutions program from farm to fork. With approximately 20,000 cows, Semex is truly hands-on each and every day, managing all the necessary parts of this growing operation. This includes the cow-calf operation, feedlot, slaughter plant and on to the restaurants and super markets!

Within this pilot project we will implement pasture management, nutrition management, facility design, herd health, traceability, breeding, genetics and staff training among other components vital to the operation. As Semex continues to grow our products and services, it is our goal to become a partner for our clients to ensure their success.

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