Semex Nyheder

Semex's Genetics for Life On Display At The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

As one of the dairy industry’s ‘must attend’ events of November, the 91st edition of the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair did not disappoint for Semex.

Prominent at the show, the Semex display was full of activity, as guests from Canada and dozens of countries worldwide discovered Semex’s products and services designed to increase dairy profitability including:

  • Immunity+™: A 2013 Dairy Herd Management Innovation Award Winner, Royal visitors were extremely interested in Semex's patented Immunity+ sires that have a naturally high immune response and will improve the health of the next generation 

  • SemexWorks™: Hundreds of visitors stepped up to our interactive station and used this simple touch, step-by-step process that helps them define their own genetic strategy 

  • Semex Premier™ Daughters: One of the most popular displays each year at the entire Royal, Semex showcased the following sires that offer genetics with both profitability and longevity:

    • 0200HO00546 DE-SU BOWMAN: HealthSmart™ & Calving Ease™

    • 0200HO05929 GEN-I-BEQ BRAWLER (2): HealthSmart & Robot Ready™

    • 0200HO03648 DOMICOLE CHELIOS: Repromax™, Calving Ease & Show Time™

    • 0200HO05592 CRACKHOLM FEVER: HealthSmart, Calving Ease, Robot Ready & Show Time

    • 0200HO02399 OCONNORS JAY

    • 0200HO05575 GILLETTE JORDAN: HealthSmart & Calving Ease

    • 0200HO02600 O-BEE KRUSADER: HealthSmart & Calving Ease

    • 0200HO05630 COMESTAR LAVANGUARD: Calving Ease, Robot Ready & Show Time

    • 0200HO05584 FLEURY MATHYS: HealthSmart & Calving Ease

    • 0200HO05567 R-E-W SEAVER: Immunity+™, Repromax, HealthSmart & Show Time

    • 0200HO02137 PINE-TREE SID: Repromax & Show Time

“Semex and Genetics for Life™ is about genetic solutions, our commitment to research & development, developing long-lasting, profitable herds and lifelong partnerships,” says Brad Sayles, Semex Vice President Global Marketing. “All of this was front and center at the Royal, and dairymen from around the world were very impressed with our programs and services. Their goal is to build long-last, healthy and profitable herds. That’s our goal too, and our team was excited to share our story with them and work to with them more in the future.”

For more information on any of Semex’s brands or the products, programs and services featured at the Royal visit: