Semex Nyheder


Holstein Canada and Semex are extremely proud to announce that Roxanne Montplaisir of Trois-Rivières, QC will represent Canada on the 2014 Holstein Canada-Semex sponsored Young Adult Australia Exchange. 

“Roxanne’s knowledge of the Canadian dairy industry and hands-on experience working with dairy cattle, as well as her enthusiasm, passion and leadership abilities make her a fantastic ambassador of the Canadian dairy industry,” says Holstein Canada Chief Executive Officer, Ann Louise Carson. 

Fully bilingual, Roxanne grew up on a dairy farm, Ferme Monyka, where she is still actively involved on the family operation. Along with helping out on the family farm, Roxanne is employed full-time by Valacta as a Dairy Production Advisor as well as working part-time as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for Eastside Holsteins in PEI. A graduate from the Université de Laval with a degree in agricultural science, Roxanne was involved in many university clubs and committees, including the judging team and the animal science club. She was also involved with Québec’s Rural Youth Organization, the Association des jeunes ruraux du Québec (AJRQ) for 17 years, serving as president for two years at the provincial level and at the national level as a member of 4-H Canada’s Youth Advisory Committee for three years. Additionally, Roxanne worked as a Summer Intern for La Coopérative Fédérée and Centre d’insémination artificielle du Québec (CIAQ). 

“The Australian dairy industry is vastly different from the Canadian dairy industry and we are certain that Roxanne’s time there will be a very exciting and interesting time for her,” John McDougall, Semex, Director Sales Development & Business Unit Manager, Australia. 

“I feel extremely fortunate to be selected to represent Canada's dairy youth in Australia and to have the chance to meet many passionate industry and genetic enthusiasts to discuss the various issues in the dairy industry,” says Roxanne. “I hope to expand my knowledge in agriculture and take in as much of the dynamic Australian dairy industry as I can!” 

The 2014 exchange program to Australia will see Roxanne spend approximately three months working on leading Holstein farms and artificial breeding centers in Australia, beginning in January 2014 at Australia's International Dairy Week and continuing through March 2014. 

The Young Adult Australia Exchange is one more way Semex and Holstein Canada foster the development of the next generation of agricultural leaders.