Semex Nyheder

Boviteq Opens Operations In Wisconsin

Semex is extremely excited to announce the opening of Boviteq operations in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Semex’s research and development arm, L’Alliance Boviteq, located in Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, is world-renown for both its research and bovine embryo work. For decades, producers from coast to coast in both Canada and the USA have benefited from and looked to Boviteq as their source for reproductive excellence.

Now, with a world-class, state-of-the-art IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) facility open in Madison, Wisconsin, Boviteq is excited to offer Semex and its American clients a laboratory specializing in IVF for the commercial, elite and beef markets. 

“We plan to bring the standards that made us successful in Canada to the USA market,” says André Barnabé, L’Alliance Boviteq Chief Executive Officer. “IVF is a complex process and we consider success to be a true partnership with veterinarians and producers. This is the best way to provide optimum results to the customer.”

“However, we will not be housing cows for breeders,” says Barnabé. “Instead we will be working with and training our clients’ vets to our protocols. They will conduct the OPU (Ovum Pick Up) for their customers. These OPUs will be sent to our lab and we will either ship back fresh embryos or freeze them.”

Limited work has already begun with vet clinics and dairies nationwide, offering Semex customers valuable IVF solutions in both the commercial and elite genetic sectors. Those interested in exploring IVF solutions on their dairy should contact their Semex Genetic Consultant.