Semex Nyheder

Be Part Of Semex's Photo Contest!

Semex is pleased to announce its Annual Photo Contest. Semex is looking for new, exciting photos featuring Semex-sired progeny to use in Semex
promotions such as calendars, posters, brochures, website and much more.

Preference will be given to photographs that include Semex cows and attire and will be judged on composition, quality and character of image, suitability and/or creativity in relation to a category theme and overall impression of the photo.

All competition finalists will be posted to Semex’s Facebook page to be voted on by our fans, making it a true ‘People’s Choice’ competition.

Prizes will be credits to be used on and awarded as follows: 1st Prize: $150; 2nd Prize: $100; 3rd Prize: $75 (Canadian dollars).

All entries must be received via the Semex website by September 1, 2013.

Click here to enter and to access full contest rules, terms and conditions.