Semex Nyheder

Sponsor Canada-Australia Young Adult Exchange

Semex and Holstein Canada are proud to once again sponsor a young adult exchange program along with their Australian counterparts, Semex Pty. Ltd and the Victorian Branch of the Holstein-Friesian Association of Australia. This program offers a young Canadian the opportunity to experience the Australian dairy industry first-hand, and an Australian or New Zealand youth to travel to Canada and gain insight into our Canadian dairy industry. 

The 2014 exchange program to Australia involves exciting travel and educational opportunities for a young Canadian dairy enthusiast between the ages of 18 and 25. The successful candidate will spend approximately three months working on leading Holstein farms and artificial breeding centers in Australia beginning in January 2014 at Australia's International Dairy Week, and continuing through March 2014. 

Applications are available at and or by clicking here for a Canadian youth with a firm application deadline of August 1, 2013. The successful candidate will be contacted in August and publicly announced at the 2013 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. 

For additional information please contact Brenda Lee-Turner at Semex or Janet Walker at Holstein Canada. 

Brenda Lee-Turner, Semex Marketing Communications Specialist
608-237-3883 • Fax: 608-223-9492 


Janet Walker, Holstein Canada Market Development & Young Adult Coordinator
519-756-8300 ext 267 • Fax: 519-756-5878