Semex Nyheder

Semex's Dice Now #1 Jersey LPI Sire Standing In Canada

noneLooking at the April 2011 Canadian proofs where a base change of 41 kgs milk, 1.8 kgs fat, 1.4 kgs protein, 0.78points of Conformation and 114 points of Lifetime Profit Index (LPI) was applied, Semex sires maintained their dominance. Semex currently posts six of the top 10 and 11 of the top 20, sires for LPI.

Thanks to the high fat, protein yields and very low somatic cell scores of 0200JE00946 Sunset Canyon Dice’s second lactation daughters, this deep-pedigreed Jace son held his ground and gained a further 39 points of LPI to land at +1694, making him the new breed leader among AI sires standing in Canada.  Along with high components, this Semex sire of sons and Repromax™ sire transmits quality mammary systems excelling in teat placement, texture and centre support.

High fertility Repromax™, Health$mart™ and Master Series™ sire 0200JE00314 Hollylane Lilibet’s Legacy added 100 new production tested and 90 newly classified second crop daughters and came back with an LPI of +1643 and as the #2 bull standing in Canada. Dairymen from coast to coast are very pleased with the performance of their daughters of this multi-purpose sire.  There are several sons of Legacy coming along in the Semex program, and currently some of his best daughters are being mated to produce future young sires for the company.

The oldest daughters of the Semex star graduate of August 2009 and Designer Series™ sire, 0200JE00430 Lencrest On Time, are now calving for the third time, with many of them currently completing outstanding second records. Their solid performance has powered this Sultan son from the Duncan Belle family forward despite the base change, with a gain of 37 LPI points , arriving at +1297 and as the #7 sire in the breed. The daughters of this balanced breeding Semex sire of sons carry much style and angularity along with correct feet and legs and well-attached mammary systems. It is anticipated that many of his second crop heifers will provide strong competition in the show ring during 2011.

Top ranking newly proven sire in the breed this time is 0200JE00148 Bridon Swat, ranking #8 in the breed with an LPI of +1209. A Sultan son from a VG-88 full sister to Semex’s 0200JE00131 Bridon Remake Comerica, his daughters are tall and strong, with plenty of width throughout, along with beautifully textured, shallow udders. As well his daughters have very high fat test, show low somatic cell levels and display pleasing milking temperament.

The following active members of the Semex proven line-up are also found within the top 20 positions for LPI within the breed:

  • 0200JE00303 SHF Centurion Sultan: #10 at +1041 for LPI.  Semex Designer Series™, Repromax™ and Master Series™ sire, showing super frames and quality mammary systems
  • 0200JE00327 Hollylane Emblem: #14 at +1026 for LPI. Second highest newly proven sire after Swat. A Sultan from an Excellent Jade dam that is siring angularity and solidly attached udders.
  • 0200JE00423 Lencrest Blackstone: #17 at +933 for LPI. Beginning to add second crop daughters with some very  impressive ones already spotted.
  • 0200JE00144 Bridon Jade’s Exploit: #20 at +876 for LPI.  This high production Jade son has shown that he can sire an exceptional show female and is a high fertility Repromax™ sire.

Canada’s type leader since January 2010, 0200JE00427 Select-Scott Minister, maintains his leadership position in the breed at +12 for conformation. This high fertility Designer Series™ sire carries a unique and attractive combination of positive ratings for component tests, daughter fertility and milking temperament.  What’s more, only a handful of his 124 classified daughters in Canada have calved for the third time with four of them already scored Excellent.