Semex Nyheder

Semex's Repromax® Featured In Holstein International

noneIn the August 2009 Holstein International Semex's Repromax™ product was featured as a reproductive solution for dairymen around the world. Magazine editor Stephan Schneider writes, "The fact that the basic concept behind the product Repromax™, developed by Semex, differs from those of many other suppliers results from its international alignment and the mix of information sources." "In total, fertility information on over 3,000 bulls (including Jersey bulls) is hidden behind the Repromax values calculated by Semex scientists. Repromax is a fertility index combining the non-return rates (NRR) from Canada, Agri-Tech analyses (ATA) from 12 western US states, and the SCR proofs (sire conception rate) calculated by the US data center within one value from August 2008 on." Click here to download the entire article. At Semex, Repromax™ if offered to our clients as a reproductive solution, reducing days open and increasing profitability. Semex scientists have gathered SCR, ATA and Non-Return data to develop the world's first international fertility evaluation. Known as Repromax sires,these sires are Semex's highest-ranked fertility sires. Listed below, Repromax sires are highly reliable bulls proven to be high fertility sires, with no genetic sacrifices. These bulls improve the fertility performance of cows and increase your profitability, representing the best of the best, with no genetic sacrifices. To learn more about Repromax™ click here.