Semex Nyheder

Semex Master Series® Sire Buckeye Works at Lansi Farm

noneAs a Semex Master Series™ sire 0200HO04779 R-E-W Buckeye has proven himself time and again.  With his second crop behind him, backing up his proof, we know that Buckeye has stood the test of time, exceeded breeders’ expectations and is poised to make an impact on dairies seeking bulls with durability, reliability, efficiency and profitability assured in their proof.  Buckeye daughters are the real cows on real dairies that dairymen love to work with.  Sylvain Landry’s Lansi Farms in Saint-Albert, Quebec has 958 head with his 370 cows milked by six robotic milkers.  Sylvain’s Buckeyes are low-maintenance cows that work hard and breed back easily, contributing positively to the herd’s bottom line.  Experience has shown Sylvain that that his Buckeye daughters are positive contributors that increase his profitability.     "We have 83 registered Buckeyes,” says Sylvain Landry Lansi Farms owner.  “Right from birth, we were immediately impressed by Buckeye’s calving ease.  These calves weren’t very big, but they showed lots of vigor and will to live.  We’re now milking 22 Buckeyes.  They are very consistent and we love working with these young animals. They are very lively and are aggressive eaters who have adapted very well to our environment.  On average, they go to the robotic milker 2.6 times a day.” “They walk on excellent feet and legs with good heel depth,” Sylvain continues.  “Their rear udders are high, wide and well-attached, with a nice texture, a strong ligament with teats that the robot easily finds.  Not only do they produce well, but they also reproduce easily.  Seven out of 10 became pregnant within 69 days or less.” “In a large herd like ours, a cow that we forget about is a good sign!  This means she is trouble-free, breeds back quickly, produces quality milk and gets back into lactation easily. This is a challenge, but it seems simple for our Buckeye daughters.”