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New Release - Genomax Catalogue - Holstein and Jersey - January 2015 - Now Available Online ...

New Release - Genomax Catalogue - Holstein and Jersey - January 2015     Now Available Online...  

Genomax™ sires are the youngest and brightest genomic sires that are available anywhere in the world.  Semex's rigorous genomic young sire standards mean that these bulls are the very best young bulls in the world, proven by their consistent, high rankings in multiple proving systems worldwide.


At Semex, we recommend selecting Genomax sires in groups of three or more. Use Genomax bulls with a mix of sires in their pedigrees, and a 30-50% Genomax sire usage to maximize genetic advancement.


These newly released Genomax™ sires are truly standouts with unlimited potential, ready to give you tomorrow's genetics today. 


Click to view catalogue


Holstein Genomax Sires:

0200HO10039   SANDY-VALLEY CAVALRY   A2/A2   Immunity+       

Jersey Genomax Sires:

For more information on Genomax™ sires or to view our newly released Genomic Young Sire Catalogue, please visit or contact your local Semex Area Manager today for additional information!