Company News

New Release - Genomax Catalogue - January 2014 Holstein Sires - Now Available Online ...

Semex's main goal in using genomic selection and offering our Genomax™ product has been to increase both the number and diversity of elite bulls available to our clients. This allows Semex customers worldwide to make the most genetic progress and ultimately profit within their own herds.

Through a careful selection process Semex offers the best genomic tested young sires available today. These sires are those that top the rankings, whether you’re looking for LPI or TPI and feature young sires that are the best for: Net Merit; TPI; LPI; Type; Calving Ease.

These newly released Genomax™ sires are truly standouts with unlimited potential, ready to give you tomorrow’s genetics today:

Genomic Young Sires



Genomax Young Sires


For more information on Genomax™ sires or to view our newly released Genomic Young Sire Catalogue, please visit or contact your local Semex representative today for additional information!