Company News

Lowell Lindsay To Be Inducted Into Canadian Agricultural Hall Of Fame

Semex and EastGen are extremely proud to announce that Lowell D. Lindsay will be inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame.

“It was with great and unreserved pleasure that Semex and EastGen, submitted the nomination of Lowell Lindsay for induction into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. Lowell achieved a great deal in his career, however, Canadian agriculture and specifically the dairy cattle industry has been the true benefactor,” says Paul Larmer, Semex Chief Executive Officer. “It is impossible to measure the economic impact that Lowell has had, however his career spanned 53 years, and when one looks at the genetic progress made in Canada over that time period it is immense. Working for a ‘Producer Owned’ company for his complete tenure, Lowell always knew who he worked for… The dairy producers of Canada.”

EastGen General Manager Brian O’Connor comments, “Lowell was influential in turning artificial insemination, sire selection and young sire testing programs into the most impactful breed improvement tools to date within the dairy industry. Furthermore he was a driving force in establishing Canada as the world leader in Holstein genetics, and became an international industry icon for sire selection, cattle evaluation, judging and exhibiting cattle while also inspiring young people to drive the industry further in these areas.”

This year four Canadians will be inducted into the prestigious Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. Lowell, along with John Oliver, the late John Wise and Donald Ziraldo will be formally inducted on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.