Company News

High Fertility Repromax™ Sires Added To Semex Lineup

none With the August 2010 genetic release, Semex is pleased to introduce several new Holstein sires to its Repromax™ lineup. Repromax™ sires are those Semex sires that are both highly reliable and high fertility with no genetic sacrifices. Semex scientists have gathered SCR, ATA and Non-Return data to develop the world's first international fertility evaluation. Known as Repromax™ sires, these sires are Semex's highest-ranked fertility sires. These bulls improve the fertility performance of cows and increase your profitability, representing the best of the best, with no genetic sacrifices. With dozens of numbers to analyze and problems to solve in a day, dairymen are looking to simplify processes and find easy solutions to their dairy's problems. Semex’s Repromax™ sires are the answer to their fertility issues. Semex’s new Repromax™ sires are easily identified with the Repromax™ brand in all Semex materials and are listed below. These sires are included in ProMate™, Semex’s global custom selection index: 0200HO05592 CRACKHOLM FEVER 0200HO05575 GILLETTE JORDAN 0200HO05567 R-E-W SEAVER 0200HO02137 PINE-TREE SID For more a complete listing or more information on Repromax™ sires or any of Semex’s growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit