Company News

Profitable Health$mart™ Sires Join Semex Lineup

none With the August 2010 genetic release, Semex is pleased to introduce the following new sires to its Health$mart™ lineup. Semex identifies Health$mart™ sires as those that sire the most valuable and profitable cows on the dairy. These sires excel for qualities that dairies can easily quantify in their ledgers. Dairymen can trust that a Semex Health$mart™ sire will have a positive financial impact, saving on vet bills, medications and staff time, as well as lost breedings and lost production. Since its release one year ago in August 2009, the Health$mart™ lineup has been under tremendous demand, as dairymen around the world are looking to reduce expenditures and increase their profitability. The selection criteria for a Semex Health$mart™ sire is based on: • Health Traits: Herd Life, Somatic Cell Score, Daughter Calving Ability, Milking Speed, Daughter Fertility • Production: Milk, Fat and Protein • Durability Traits: Final Conformation, Mammary System and Feet & Legs Semex’s new Health$mart™ sires are easily identified with the Health$mart™ brand in all Semex materials and are listed below. These sires are included in ProMate™, Semex’s global custom selection index: 0200HO05592 CRACKHOLM FEVER 0200HO02122 PARADISE-D GILMORE 0200HO03516 GINARY JACK 0200HO05577 GILLETTE JERRICK 0200HO05575 GILLETTE JORDAN HOAUTHOR COMESTAR LAUTHORITY 0200HO05567 R-E-W SEAVER 0200HO02137 PINE-TREE SID For more a complete listing or more information on Health$mart™ sires or any of Semex’s growing suite of programs designed to increase real dairy profitability, please visit